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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Lady Gaga

    that release date is how it's done sweeties. 6 weeks between first single and the album dropping, not these messy 3 month long waits some gals try these days.
  2. Life


    yeah, it's why i wondered if it was. y'all never know from Allie when it's from tho.
  3. Life


    is that Allie demo new or from SS, CLX2, what era we talking.
  4. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    the production of Superstar does it more for me? i liiiiive for that piano + the chord progression. the chorus lyrics are a bit cheesy? as for True, that is the euro-club bop i didn't know i needed. it's just light-hearted and fun? like it's not too serious and i think that's what's nice about it, because Marina doesn't have *too* many songs like that. the ones i listed are some of my favourite Marina tracks - L+F probably has the most tied with EH that i listen to the most. TFJ has the least amount of tracks i listen to tbh, that album really doesn't do it for me. that's the thing with Marina discography though, she really has brought a different sound to each album and she has such a diversive discography because of it.
  5. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    this is a bit of a lie. Superstar, True, End Of The Earth, Emotional Machine, Too Afraid and Soft To Be Strong are some of her best.
  6. bye. she's probably done some rehearsal, and as usual probably smoking and not taking care - either that or daddy deep throated her too much.
  7. this is so dumb. she probably just has laryngitis or bruised vocal cords (if her doctor's saying 4 weeks rest). she's probably rehearsed a lot for the tour and not looked after her voice.
  8. Life

    Lady Gaga

    ew. jews and hugs is the worst.
  9. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    the "expert", apparently.
  10. Life

    Azealia Banks

    lol it probably won't drop and then she'll probably go silence for a few days and say it's delayed like usual.
  11. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    don't be like that. just mean it in that i'm glad people agree it was meh.
  12. Life


    ok, but release/leak My Forever + Sunscreen thanks.
  13. they are hyped up, but for good reason honestly. the reason they don’t become as serious as killing millions off is down to how safe we’ve made containing an outbreak. quite honestly, Ebola could have wiped out a large proportion of the human race ala the Black Plague and the Spanish flu. Viruses like these have the potential to do that, which is why they’re widely reported and people are made aware quickly.
  14. Life

    Lady Gaga

    it’s just a sample from a sample pack - it’s not original to this song.
  15. Life

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    it's meh - don't get excited.
  16. Life


    doubt they'd ever have gotten the rights to use them tbh - Nintendo would never.
  17. Life


    it's really not, but surejan.
  18. Life


    all i want is High Road (the song) rn, or just the entire album.
  19. Life


    literally read above. saw them uploaded on dbree at the same with as "Fader", so literally just reposting. jesus.
  20. Life


    i saw it uploaded under "love triangle" as well, idk, just reposting. think so, just in HQ? idk if they ever leaked beyond LQ/MQ, just reposting ^^
  21. Life


    i guess we'll see. i don't care if i'm right or wrong, i'm just expressing a damn opinion - that it seems odd that 3 final/mastered tracks leaked along with other demos that are leaking.
  22. Life


    Fader/Love Triangle (Rainbow Outtake) Birthday Suit (Demo 1) Birthday Suit (Demo 4)
  23. Life


    it literally leaked (and was tagged) the same time the others did, so i'm not buying it.
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