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vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tumblr Leaks Discussion
well i know fans made her a tumblr but i dont think she ever gets on it.
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tumblr Leaks Discussion
I mean they haven't even put up lyrics to a song so I doubt its real
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tumblr Leaks Discussion
and it has mafia undertones... all v interesting. probably not true but fun 2 speculate!
cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I don't think that's it but Andrei is friends/friendly with her brother, Charlie and lent Lana this head dress for the Ride video. Chuck has also worn it
motel6angel liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana in Nevada/Trailer Park
welp she was in vegas in the national anthem demo vid
motel6angel liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana's drug use/trailer park era
I think alcohol was her big 'love' but she also tried whatever she got her hands on..maybe they weren't as big to her as alcohol but she needed something to get high/feel detached/ whatever she was trying to do. i think meth was her big thing and just because she doesn't necessarily look like it in these photos doesn't mean she didn't ever. I mean, those pictures are from her old myspaces and I highly doubt she'd put a junkie pic on her page. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but someone once said that a certain lizzy grant fan tumblr has put a picture of lana injecting something as their dp but then quickly removed it.. does anyone else remember this?
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANA SLEUTHING
On the Fordham web page, apparently Lana didn't complete her degree (at least not at Fordham)
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANA SLEUTHING
Interesting interview~ http://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/radar-band-of-the-week-no62-lana-del-rey
Some excerpts:
Blinking under heavy lashes and auburn curls, she laughs when NME asks about the rumours. “I’m not a trapeze artist! Though I was born on the day of the worldly rapture, June 21.” (TPD note- referring to her old Myspace about me)
“I would move people, paint houses, wear sports jackets for pictures in truck magazines. It felt like fighting for survival for such a long time. No money, no place to live – I’ve been in more dangerous situations than other people,” she says, cagily. (referring to her Craigslist jobs- God, we gotta find those truck mags!!!! I look for you in magazines)
Believe It Or Not: Lizzy’s good pals with Marina, who she met over Twitter and bonded with over a love of American culture.
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANA SLEUTHING
"Anyway, the other day, Lizzy Posted an urgent plea to all her Facebook friends to please not accept any interviews from people trying to dig up dirt on her. This was shortly after the Saturday Night Live debacle and, honestly, I can’t imagine what kinda hell this girl was going through."
"she looked like a pinup model straight out of the trailer park" so amazingly accurate
It's gr8 that even tho that guy was sort of miffed w/ how things turned out w/ the way they worked together he still couldn't find a bad thing to say about her.
vrsyva liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANA SLEUTHING
some interesting tidbits from older S moda interview (this isn't really sleuthing but I'm really bored)
Hard to find your hometown, Lake Placid. It is very small, just 2,000. No great city. I imagine it kind of like Twin Peaks.
Yes, exactly like Twin Peaks. I was hoping to get out and get to New York because that felt like heaven. I liked going to the corner store and having a man tell you [in Spanish], “Hello beautiful, how are you?
Do you have time to see real-life friends?
I have a small group of friends that have nothing to do with music. My friends are good girls, with their feet on earth. One works in real estate, one at Bloomingdale’s, another is head of marketing … Miss them.
What do you think about the mainstream divas, Beyoncé, Rihanna …?
Never commented that subject. It’s hard for me, everything I say is taken out of context. Too bad you asked me! The interview had gone so well so far …
You always felt different?
Yes, always. So I wanted to study philosophy. I was overwhelmed by the world and I hallucinated things of concern to other people: what do we do now, where do we go on vacation?, Do you like my shoes? I, however, was always looking for a guide, a sign, a higher power.
^^ sry but that just comes across as so holier than thou
Karolll liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Butterflies Part 2
this song is so severely underrated. do we only have the quiet version or was there an eq? its so gr8
bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
Get Drunk & Motel 6 (Studio) stream of consciousness
I'm thinking that Motel 6 is about Arthur Lynn.. like someone mentioned before. Baby, you can buy me Diet Mt Dew; in the spotlight we see Jim & Chuck.. thinking more and more that Lizzy was originally with Arthur but Jimmy caught her eye..
However, Diet Mt Dew + Greenwich + Motel 6 are all probably about the same person, and I was thinking Greenwich + Diet Mt Dew were about Mike, given that Lana talked about making a trip to Greenwich on her FB around the time she was with Mike and when the song may have been written.
Aw, shit. Edit: Just found a location on Arthur in Greenwich, CT!!
And then who is Bill that Arthur referenced in his blog (entitled Diet Mt Dew)? Is it possible that Jimmy was actually dating Chuck and Lana just thought he was hot? (This doesn't seem as likely in my opinion- for some reason I picture Chuck going for a square guy) I don't know if I believe Reeve and Lizzy were anything more than a friendship, either.
Then there is also "Get Drunk"... which friendship is this about?? Nick Fowler & Arthur Lynn, Arthur Lynn & Jimmy Gnecco, or Jimmy Gnecco & Reeve? Possibly Chuck & Lizzy? (Long shot but Reeve and Chuck are still pretty close- maybe Lizzy slept with Reeve/Jimmy to Chuck's dismay?) Or none of the above? Personally, I think it is about Nick and Arthur.. especially if "A Star for Nick" is really entitled that (who knows?) .. sort of gives the idea that someone got her into dark things, and she knew he was never going to help her get where she wanted. Also, the way I found those pictures of Lana pre-nose job was on Nick's site.. and he still keeps them up. Seems kind of strange, given that Lana has consciously tried to keep these kinds of things from surfacing. It's under an album called "Lana Del Rey.. when she was still called Lizzy Grant" .. kind of seems like he's not coming from a nice place with that.
Arthur (pictured below) has had nothing but nice things to say about Lana (is that Jimmy on Lizzy's hat? Or Nick? So many broody musicians) since. Can't forget that some of Lana's inspirations were also in Arthur's pictures i.e. Diamond Dave, Axl Rose, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis, and even Britney Spears. Def. think that's the guy Lana was talking about who showed her about music.. if she didn't have a TV in the home, I guess she'd need somebody 2 educate her. (Not to mention he has a million Americana/flag pics) Too many possibilities but I find it all very interesting. We are the sum of our experiences and the people we meet.
Arthur's listed interests on one site: music, girls, guitars, america, diet mountain dew, van halen, ice cream, photography, jersey, angiescreams, indian summer, woods, food, freckles, the sun, the moon, seasons, amplifiers, family, friends, karma, october, yo mama, yo mama's apple pie, and those little people we call doggies
Still wondering if any songs could be about Jeff Buckley, since her, Jimmy, and Reeve all love(d) his music, Jimmy was his friend before he died, and Reeve is/was supposed to play him in a biopic, etc etc.. sigh.
Could "Ray" be Ray Gillen? Too Lazy to go look up lyrics to Mermaid Motel but it kinda fits Diamond Dave and Ray Gillen We all know how Lana loves her dead musicians. (Who doesn't?) And he was in Arthur's inspirational pictures, as well. I will also note that Ray was part of a super group called "Phenomena", which is where (I think) the name Lizzy+ the Phenomena came from. Lana also had Ray Gillen's fan site as her top friends on many of her Myspace accounts. (Lana and Arthur actually have the same top celebrity friends..)
I can see her singing to these guys in her songs.. kinda like RAY RAISE ME UP, help me out here!!
You can see these two pics here: http://www.nickfowler.com/gallery/lana-del-rey-when-she-was-still-lizzy-grant/
motel6angel liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in The Mike Mizrahi Movie Mystery Megapost
i think he's cute but he seems the type to be into weird sex
cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I listen to Bel Air at least 3 times a day and for some reason I link it to Born to Die and Summertime Sadness. I remember back at LDR.fm, it was said that Summertime Sadness was about a time when someone had died in the summertime, and usually you were supposed to be happy and free in the summer, but she just felt sad. I don't think we ever found receipts for that, it was just on some random site, but it has stuck with me.
Anyway, when I hear Bel Air, I think of this scene.
She wants to go back to the times she had with him, and he's waiting to see her in heaven. The gargoyles possibly being people in her life preventing her from hurting herself, or joining him in heaven, she sees them as the enemy because they are keeping her away from her love. Darling, I'm waiting to greet you, come to me baby. I don't want to say Lana attempted suicide, but the idea sort of fits with her lyrics in Heavy Hitter, Jump, etc. You'll remember in the Blue Jeans video as she is going under, she sees black palm trees. Palm trees in black and white, last thing I saw before I died. I was lounging at the Chateau Marmont, glimmering by the swimming pool. ..I overdose, you throw me over your shoulder. And of course, the Summertime Sadness video, with Lana being an angel. Although, who would Jaime King be? Maybe Chuck or Wendy? Where is Wendy? lol That whole video is pretty ambiguous as is, so I guess not a whole lot of meaning can be taken from it.
I think that with the person she was with before Jimmy, she had found someone who she could be sober with, and with Jimmy it just wasn't the same and maybe she got back into her addiction with him. I think it was a toxic relationship for the both of them and he was pulling her down with him. She always talks about that one person who she is going to love forever, honoring love even when it is lost, and who she couldn't be with because he "had to leave" and I think the fact that she still mentions him and talks to his mother makes it more likely that he is no longer living. (You wouldn't usually talk about an ex-love like that, out of respect to your current significant other, at least imo) Whether this person was K, or whoever else. I also think the story behind BTD is complete bullshit. If her boyfriend did die, then that was someone really important in her life, and iirc one of her grandmothers passed away, too.. that kind of stuff has to make you wonder about the purpose of living.
This is probably all just my own little fiction I've created in my head.. I know a lot of people say when they listen to Bel Air, they instantly get really emotional and I guess I just feel the same. It really is my favorite Lana song, possibly ever.
Also, I think Trash is about the record exec. Maybe he had a wife so he had to get her hotel rooms. Used to go to the Comfort Inn.. Remember in Ride, the guy she's with at the hotel room? He's also at the show, standing up and giving her a standing ovation. I was born to be the other woman.
I could also see Gods + Monsters being about Jimmy. (However, I could also see this being about her current fame/Bradley Soileau's little twitter rant, etc.) Perhaps she was trying to be sober, but was with him and the "monsters" and relapsed. She was with him while he was in Velvet Revolver, if I have the timeline right. Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer. At the time, Velvet Revolver was touring with the likes of Marilyn Manson (Marilyn Manson was supposed to become the front man for Velvet Revolver at one point, apparently) + Guns 'N Roses, making it possible that Lana actually knew them before these infamous photos.
cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe it's all true rather than all fake. She says she's lived a very long life.. for some reason I believe her and I think what Evil said was 100% true tbh!!!
cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
Hahahahaha I was waiting for that. We need to bring pinupgirls back. He was nice besides that bit
Also, another thought I've seen people talking about... Ride's lyric "war in my mind" being about Bradley Soileau- he has a similar tattoo on his forehead. I think this is very possible- it sounds like Lana is fighting to stay 'clean' and it was rumored that she began drinking again right when she (allegedly) had the fling with Bradley (I feel like this is confirmed, but some people need concrete sources so whateva) and he brought her back into the night scene and all the bad things.. there was also a picture of them surrounded by alcohol. Also, it could help explain his mean tweets to her. (to Jeffrey Star, my a**) Getting the same vibe from God + Angels, Monsters..whatever it's called. Trying to stay good (sober) in a world where your vices are easily accessed
cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I don't think any songs were about Chris C.. I talked to him and he said she was his muse but it was never "like that".. I think he kind of was in lust with her and she just likes being adored by anyone
I'm so glad this section is back btw
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey and Jim Morrison
It kind of astounds me that Lana Del Rey has never mentioned The Doors' lead singer Jim Morrison before in past interviews- she's quick to mention Elvis or Frank, but not Jim. Before Born to Die: The Paradise Edition was released, she did say that the record was inspired by the West Coast and had a sound similar to The Doors', and of course, she mentions Jim in Gods+Monsters.
Living like Jim Morrison, heading towards a fucked up holiday
Of course, when I first heard this, I was excited- then kind of annoyed. (One reason being that the Jim Morrison tag on Tumblr is full of people's selfies with the Gods+Monsters lyric captioned in italics underneath...sigh) But then myself- and many other Lana fans- questioned the lyric and what it meant exactly- was she referencing her previous fast + hard lifestyle or was she stating her desire to be a tragic icon like Jim?
Being that Jim is my favorite, I thought I would share a few of the similarities I've noticed between the two-
Smoking during performances
Both Lana and Jim were also very wary of audiences to begin with. After a while, Jim became more and more inhibited with his audiences, something Lana has done to an extent, as well.
A preoccupation with death
Lana has been quoted on her fascination with death, stating the inspiration behind her song "Born to Die" came about when she learned that her mother, her father- and everyone else would one day die.
"People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend."- Jim Morrison
"Death and paradise are intertwined for me." - Lana Del Rey
Death & Love are the main inspirations for both Jim and Lana's lyrics.
(Elvis, Priscilla, Frank, and the not so gangster Nancy Sinatra)
Mutual favorites of Lana and Jim: Frank+Elvis, Mad Magazine and James Dean
"Mad magazine and white socks" - Lana Del Rey in the song "1949"
Jim read Mad Magazine and Beatnik poetry (Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti- writer of "A Coney Island of the Mind" were among his favorites), and listened mainly to Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley (He is known to have covered Elvis' "Heartbreak Hotel" & "Love Me Tender", in addition to others)
Lana has been quoted numerous times speaking of her love for Elvis, Sinatra, and Ginsberg.
(Jim Morrison also loved James Dean.James Dean, for sure)
Both also share a passion for philosophy, though I'm not sure who Lana's favorite philosophers are.
“It was everything in the end.” - Lana Del Rey on her addictions, although she denied ever using heroin. Lana had a firm support system and was able to beat her addiction with the help of family and friends. Jim Morrison was not so lucky.
Jim's most-loved drug was said to be heroin. He also frequently used LSD in attempts to achieve higher thinking. He was also a terrible alcoholic whose alter-ego "Jimbo" came out when he was drinking. He died from an alleged heroin overdose at the age of 27.
Even though Jim was passionate about music, he desired to be more involved with films, and made several short student films during his time at UCLA as a film student.
"I'd hate to think I'd stop having anything to do with music, but I think that in the future, I'll tend towards an exclusive film involvement."- Jim Morrison
Lana Del Rey has also voiced a desire to work in film.
"When I was starting, I had a vision of being a writer for film and that's what I am doing now. I'm so happy...hopefully, I will branch into film work and stay there." - Lana Del Rey
Indian Reservations
Love casinos, Indian reservations
Not too long ago, Lana spurred some controversy when she appeared in the "Ride" video in an Indian headdress. She also claims to have worked on a Navajo reservation in Utah when she was younger.
Jim claimed to have a spiritual connection with Native Americans, believing that one of their spirits entered his soul when he was four years old when he witnessed a car accident in which an entire family of Native Americans had been badly injured or killed. (A truck which was carrying these Native Americans crashed on the highway and was overturned.) Morrison thought this was the most formative event of his entire life, and this imagery stuck with him in his music (ex. Indian Summer"), poetry, and even in his dancing. The Doors' keyboardist, Ray Manzarek, recalled in his book that when Jim was dancing on stage sometimes, it looked as though Jim was taking on some form of an Indian.
A love for nicknames
Jim Morrison- Mr. Mojo Rising, The Lizard King
Lana Del Rey- Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, Coney Island Queen, etc.
(Ok, I'll admit, some of this is reaching)
Chateau Marmont
(This picture was taken in the closet of Jim's room at the Chateau Marmont)
Both Jim and Lana had a love affair with the Chateau, and lived there for quite some time.
Couch Crashers
Jim Morrison was notorious for crashing on the couches of his friend's homes.(Kurt Cobain did this as well) He never owned a home, preferring to stay in hotels or couches.
In Feb. 2012, Lana Del Rey told The New York Times' T Magazine about her living situation- "Staying with my ex-boyfriend. I live on his couch."
For as much as their styles are similar, they are also vastly different. (Personally, I would have to say that Jim was a better lyricist on the whole, but Lana perhaps a better singer- as far as range goes) Jim was also borderline psychotic (said with love) and Lana seems normal- at least on the surface.
I just think it's interesting how Jim may have influenced Lana Del Rey, in addition to other artists and cinematic works. It seems like in every new generation there is a tragic character- after Jim it was Kurt (someone else Lana has claimed to be inspired by) after Kurt, it was Amy. I think Lana is a physical homage to tragic historical pop culture icons.
What do you guys think? Do you notice any similarities between Lana and other musicians? Another person we could compare Lana with is Priscilla Presley- the hair+ clothing styles, similar cars, - perhaps in attempts to reach Elvis? Where are you when I need you most? (Also may explain her negative responses when compared to Nancy Sinatra, once stating harshly that Frank was the "real musician." Nancy + Elvis were alleged to have had an affair)
"Pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it." -Lana Del Rey
Lana with some losers covering "Roadhouse Blues" by The Doors.
Sunnies liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens
upside: something 4 guys 2 read while ya kno~~ like i wonder how that plays out... I guess they just RIDE
Sunnies liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens
Some more.. @ the first one, sure her kids will love that lmao
Sunnies liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens
Let's just say it's a song that will forever be around and I still regret it! And it's also a lie/ something I don't agree with anymore
I've thought of getting I am my only God somewhere but then I wonder if that's a little too dramatic, maybe I'd get it in french or something
Je suis mon seul dieu
Sunnies liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey's tattoo copy kittens
Lately I've noticed that many people have been getting tattoos related to Lana Del Rey, either blatantly copying her tattoos
(Usually either the trust no one/ paradise tattoo) + placement or getting LDR's face, signature, or lyrics permanently inked.
(See examples in spoiler)
What do you think about this? Does copying another person's tattoo take away the meaning?
Do you plan on getting a LDR related tattoo/do you currently have one? (If so, what?)
Post more LDR fan tattoos you've seen, etc etc
You probably won't want I was an angel looking to get fucked hard on your wrist a few years from now!
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
most of the inspiration behind lana's writing is about video games. she used to be a video game nerd, hence video games.mp3 ~gamer girl~ that song is about a guy she met while playing video games online. if she stopped playing, their luv stopped too! </3
gimme them gold coins
mafiosi hit type
she also had a love affair with GAS STATIONS, especially one named K. it's where she got her beloved diet mountain dew after all
close tha thread! i figured it all out!
im bored at work sry
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I think this song is about mike, just because it's the one relationship that we know (?) didn't end amicably. she still talks to reeve, her and arthur are cool, I mean who knows about jimmy but I hear from his fans that he's the nicest guy ever (yeah ik taking crazy fans for 100%) and i think songs like my best days or you and me are more about jimmy or K...kind of looking back fondly on the relationship kinds of songs. i think mike tried 2 control her singing and eventually she just got tired of it and went off to do her own thing. like in video games she was fine just being with him but then the relationship got fucked up and she wanted to leave like in afraid. then she came back all different and confident (with plastic surgery) and he tried to tear her down again but she was not havin it. idk im a little high hope this makes sense