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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. Holy fucking shit a 9.4!!!!! This is.. She really is one of the greats of this decade for sure and she's finally getting recognized properly for her talent. The growth she displayed as an artist is rewarding her with a new peak in her career, not commercially, just as an artist and a name in the music world. Damn :wowcry:

  2. This is so fun 


    Norman fucking Rockwell

    Mariners Apartment Complex

    Venice bitch

    Fuck it, I love you

    Doin' time

    Love song

    Cinnamon girl

    How to disappear


    The next best American record

    The greatest


    Happiness is a butterfly

    Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it

  3. I guess after many many listens I can finally drop my NFR review. Spoiler alert, I'm gonna praise the shit out of it. Also this is the only review that actually matters here on lb, I mean, look at my member title. It's the only relevant one bitch! Jk lol, but yeah, enjoy. 



    Norman fucking Rockwell-This one is definetly one of my top favourites from this album. The strings in the beginning are one of the most beautiful ways she started an album, I love every second of it. Then the piano breaks down with one of the most interesting melodies I've heard from Lana. The melodies she found for this song are just untouchable. The lyrical content speaks for itself and her voice is fucking perfection throughout the song. (''why wait for the best when I could have you....YOoOoouuUuu'') and of course there's that fucking heavenly outro with amazing vocals again and all the strings and piano coming together. Ugh, one of her best title tracks. 10/10


    Mariner's apartment complex- I love the lyrics of this song, maybe her best lyrics on the album (although Hope exists). The track is so smooth and summery. I love the guitars and the drums. The piano in the background makes the sound richer and her vocals are so raw and clear.All the background production on this is phenomenal. Those hazy guitars in the outro...mmmm. 9.5/10


    Venice bitch- Where do I even begin? Can I even begin? Y'all already know the way I feel about this one  :poordat: . BEST FUCKING TRACK. 11/10


    Fuck it, I love you- This one is lovely as well although is not in my most favourites. It is again, a very breezy and summery song, pretty catchy and has really nice lyrics too. I personally prefer the single, digital version. I just love those added synths which really make the track richer, those slight guitars and of course the surf drums. the outro is amazing. 9/10


    Doin' time- I love what she did with this cover, it's definetly such a summer song and the production is amazing and so groovy. I think it works really well for this album, fitting in but also bringing something new, more of a hip hop influence to the record. Her vocals and her general delivery is so sexy and sultry and I love that we have a cooler, upbeat moment on the album. 9/10


    Love song- I still get fucking chills with this song!!! The intro alone is just so beautiful I have no words. Her voice sounds really beautiful, clear, vulnerable, sweet. The lyrics are not that deep or intense but do they need to be? I say no. It's just such a sweet track that melts my heart every damn time. The strings picking up when the chorus starts are sending me, the production is literal heaven. My only wish is that the melody whould've gone somewhere else for like an outro or maybe a bridge. But one of the best nonetheless. 9.5/10


    Cinnamon girl- I feared it was going to be just a catchy song that was gonna age badly, but that fucking outro!! That made me appreciate the song way more than before. The verses are nice, the chorus is so atmospheric and dreamy, I love Lana's voice and those little distorted chord-sounds. That last high pitched chorus makes a nice bridge and then the fucking outro goes off. It's such a BTD-NFR track, I live for every second of those strings ad synths, and then it all cools off with some nice beats. Love it! 9.5/10


    How to disappear- This one is my least favourite track on the album. I still enjoy it thoroughly and I really love the instrumental break at the end, I think it's lovely, but overall, the melody and the production just don't impress me that much. And yeah, I don't like the bells. The lyrics are really nice, thoughtful, melancholic, but I don't usually have the urge to listen to this one outside the full album. 8/10


    California- The most Ultraviolence-like song on the album, of course I fucking love this one. It feels so special, her vocals are different, they're not in that soft angelic tone, they're a little more rough and definelty the rawest ones on the record. I also love the layering in them, makes the song feel bigger. I like that the pre-choruses are different and I love both variations. The chorus is pretty long yeah, but it changes halfway and the ''we'll do whatever you want'' part always gets me. the production is so beautiful, the strings are always there in the back bubbling under the drums and guitar. And the lyrics? beautiful. 10/10


    The next best American record- I still love this song so much. My favourite parts of it were always the verses and the bridge and I'm so grateful she didn't change those. That's one of her best bridges in a song ever. The fucking atmosphere. I don't dislike the new lyrics that much but I definelty love the older ones better. The chorus now kinda has a different mood which is a little off. I always loved the production on this song so nothing else much to say. 9/10


    The greatest- The instruments, the production, the lyrical content, Lana's voice, the solo guitar, the outro UGHH, this song is so goddamn nice. I said these things before, nothing much to add. Just perfection. 10/10


    Bartender- The most unique sounding track on this record. I don't usually love piano ballads but this one doesn't even feel like one. the lyrics are really cool, the overall vibe of this song is really cool. Everything is interesting about it, Lana's voice, the lyrics, the melodies, the piano even. Such a gorgeous, interesting track, one of the surprising highlights on this record. 10/10


    Happiness is a butterfly- The lyrics are nice but they're kinda all over the place lol. Doesn't bother me that much though. I'm not particularly in love with the melodies, yes they're catchy but when the serial killer part comes on, I get pretty bored of it and want to move on to the taxi part which I like best. the second part of the song with the added strings and then the electric guitars here and there, it's just so beautiful and ups it for me a little bit. But overall, it's one of the weker tracks for me. 8.5/10


    Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have-but I have it- This song is the perfect choice as the closing track. The lyrics are just unreal. The depth and the message and the emotions she conveys through these lyrics are incredible. Best lyrics on the album hands down. Other than that, the production is really simple, maybe too simple for my liking, I don't really like piano ballads. I know the sound definetly suits the song best this way but it's not quite my favourite thing. Her vocals are of course fucking beautiful, especially when she goes high in the outro. And I love the addition of Jack talking at the end, it's so cool how the album ends with that. 8.5/10


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