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Posts posted by UltraHeroin

  1. the production is too polished for the vibe of the song

    I still love Heroin very much but I have to agree with this a little bit.Don't get me wrong, the song is still amazing and one of her best, but the vibe pretty much demanded for a bigger production, you know, more layers, not only vocally but instruments as well. Some nice hazy guitars could've definetly been thrown in there, would've been heavenly. 

  2. In the beginning, yeah, I do hear the ''dr'' sound which makes it sonds like drugs, but then it sounds like she says ''drugs is in my veins'' so that doesn't make sense


    Oh you know what, I definetly think it's jazz. Jazz is in my veins. She definetly sings: (blank) IS in my veins

    Final update lol. It's 100% jazz, you can see it by the way she's moving her mouth in the video

  3. I haven’t listened to the lq leak (kind of surprised I’ve held out this long). I am debating listening to California and Bartender though since they seem to be the songs we know the least from and it might be more fair to the other songs that we’re more familiar with on the first listen through of the album. But at the same time I’m afraid if I listen to those two in lq, I’ll instantly regret not waiting (it is only a week left to wait after all). Those two seem like they’ll probably be some of the best ones so maybe they deserve the biggest reveals. Idk. I hate having so many options.

    I say hold on. A week will pass very quick and you don't want to hear the songs in that lq, especially California. Just be ready 'cause they're both amazing in their own ways

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