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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. someone has already proved that they have it. i think it will happen today.
  2. oh. i don't remember us getting other pre-release threads locked.
  3. i'm gonna snort some ***** and get wavy to the album.
  4. is this the first hella chaotic album pre-release era?
  5. now we're gonna move the afterparty to this thread '(pls don't get me, mods)
  6. will they actually LEAK it? if not they can go home and fuck themselves, like every other fake ass insider.
  7. what about retroactive releases? Like sharing a Cherry Blossom YT link? I mean we shared those but didn't get banned for them.
  8. I love Lana with all my stan heart but I'm mad impatient and mad greedy when it comes to her music, which is one of the reasons I shared a certain song elsewhere, so others could get it. I pray you're right.
  9. Don't worry, with more practice you can become one! I know that but I also know there are a lot of people fighting that.
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