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Posts posted by PrettyBaby

  1. I can't actually believe some of the stuff i've just read, there's no such thing as a good or bad, right or wrong photographer. Each photographer caters to different audiences just because you dislike their work or it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean the photographer is "bad", "average" etc. IMO.


    It's true that judging talent is very subjective. But that doesn't rule out the reality of greater and lesser creativity, skill, fit with one's chosen medium of expression, etc.

  2. 1. Off To The Races

    2. Radio

    3. Blue Jeans

    4. Diet Mountain Dew

    5. National Anthem

    6. Lolita

    7. This Is What Makes Us Girls

    8. Without You

    9. Million Dollar Man

    10. Dark Paradise

    11. Video Games

    12. Summertime Sadness

    13. Carmen

    14. Lucky Ones

    15. Born To Die


    1. Off To The Races

    2. Radio

    3. Blue Jeans

    4. Million Dollar Man

    5. National Anthem

    6. Without You

    7. Diet Mountain Dew

    8. Lolita

    9. This Is What Makes Us Girls

    10. Dark Paradise

    11. Born To Die

    12. Video Games

    13. Summertime Sadness

    14. Carmen

    15. Lucky Ones


    MDM's a grower :ohmy: (but I usually listen to the demo)

  3. I put Paradise on my "new and improved" playlist for The Paradise Edition for awhile. Just because it made it easier to get into TPE, not because it seemed to belong (but putting it at the beginning camoflagued that fact a little)... but now I've moved it to my Hollywood Playaz playlist... and I don't listen to TPE anymore...


    I guess I wish she would have included Paradise and sprinkled TPE with a couple others like it. But that wasn't what she was going for artistically. :/

  4. hercules_and_xena_the_battle_for_mount_olympus-show.jpg


    minus the crappy animation it's underrated imo


    :omfg: This is so not what I was expecting. I don't know what I was expecting, but...


    I was such a major Herc&Xena fan, and I was so hugely disappointed by this movie!!! (And I usually love animated movies.)


    (So the story is good, you think? Okay, guess I need to give it a second look... no wait, I have it on VHS. Probably not gonna happen.)

  5. I'm not privy to all the facts, of course (and I don't necessarily remember all the facts that have been made public), and so most of what I could say is speculation on my part. I do think the media's initial response to Lana in the U.S. was uncalled for. But I don't think it's what inspired her to break identification with America -- more of a straw that broke the camel's back, I suspect.


    The world can be a tough place for those who are sensitive and/or creative and/or intellectual, and Lana apparently is all three. Add to that an increasingly anti-intellectual bias in American society, and rumors that it is not as bad in Europe and elsewhere... it becomes tempting to some to explore other options. (I have felt that temptation myself.) Particularly if she has spent any time in the southern states... let's just say that females who don't take steps to hide their intelligence can feel like outcasts way before it occurs to them to journey elsewhere.


    So who is doing the rejecting? Some would say Lana, for criticizing aspects of America. But does criticism equal rejection? (I know many people who would say yes. Actually, I know several people who would say that "critical thinking" is overly negative, that "making an argument" is divisive, and that "problem-naming" as a first step to problem-solving is being a troublemaker. But I digress. Or do I...?) Perhaps Lana sees the situation as HER being the one who has been rejected.


    But last time I checked, she did have a few dates planned in New York and California, at least. So it's not like she's writing off the U.S. completely. I'm sure she knows she has fans here who love her. But if she's already nervous about performing live, and already feeling misunderstood/slandered/rejected in America, should she necessarily take the step of willingly combining them? Maybe she feels like she's already putting herself through what she's prepared to take on.


    None of this necessarily adds up to a grudge against the U.S. as a whole, imo. I see her criticisms as valid points, from which Americans could learn something... or not. :)

  6. If we can get beyond that, I'd love to know why you think EMHHW is anything less than a masterpiece. (Affectation? Who me? :creepna:)


    Yeah, EMGHW made my top five too. :whitney:





    01. [+15] Yayo (2010) wav.gif

    02. [+14] Gramma flowers.gif

    03. [+13] For K Part 2 celebrate.gif

    04. [+12] Dum Dum yes.gif

    05. [+11] Every Man Gets His Wish stirthepot.gif

    06. [+10] You Can Be the Boss

    07. [+09] Heavy Hitter

    08. [+08] Pawn Shop Blues

    09. [+07] Off to the Races

    10. [+06] Daddy Issues

    11. [+05] Radio

    12. [+05] Get Drunk

    13. [+05] Blue Jeans

    14. [+04] Jimmy Gnecco

    15. [+04] Queen of the Gas Station (acoustic demo, with layered vocals)

    16. [+04] You're Gonna Love Me

    17. [+03] Driving in Cars

    18. [+03] Serial Killer

    19. [+02] A Star for Nick

    20. [+02] Prom Song (Gone Wrong)

    21. [+01] Million Dollar Man (demo)


    22. [-01] Push Me Down dry.gif

    23. [-05] Back to tha Basics Yawn.gif

    24. [-10] Gangsta Boy rolleyes.gif

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