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About DarkParadise2

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  1. Is there somewhere I can watch this set back? I made it to Blue Jeans and then my power went out last night edit; found it
  2. Can anyone tell me which Karma demo's have leaked so far? Trying to organize my L+F Demos and such
  3. Omg yes!! We just need demo 4 now. Thanks so much for sharing!
  4. I was checking a fan VK, and they only have demos 1 & 2. I hope someone has 3 and 4!
  5. Would I be able to get the second Demo as well? I had no idea 4 demos had leaked
  6. No worries! https://discord.gg/jtc8YS
  7. https://discord.gg/YRV84j
  8. DarkParadise2

    Dua Lipa

    Could you post this list?
  9. Oh I love that! I think I saw 1% was for Kiiara and Supernova was for Jonas Blue!
  10. Wow, I really want that Alexis Texas demo to leak
  11. Apparently there are leaks I missed, holy crap
  12. I have so much unreleased music to catch up on
  13. DarkParadise2

    Dua Lipa

    Does anyone know if theres a master post somewhere to find her Unreleased/Demos?
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