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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. I'm touching up Tumor with Logic Pro X. Needs help. Add some clap + snares, and cut out the odd 1 bar pause before the first chorus. I'l post a link when I do.



  2. Why are all of the single covers awful??


    The art direction for FROOT is so fucking random and so is the album theme I think, there's consistency but it's not good consistency when it's 2 ugly blocks of text on top of a picture, there's so much ugliness going on so yes I agree

  3. "Fuck you Alexandra!"


    Yes. Fuck Alexandra, indeed. For providing us with amazing music, amazing photos, and amazing innovative ways of presenting the music. 


    she should join tidal then

  4. Not sure if this thread is still about discussing Honeymoon, but I met Emile today after he did a little talk at an Apple Store in Soho about his music and life and process-- he didn't talk much about Lana, but he talked about how when they work sometimes he'd play her a little chord or something he really liked and she would say "That fucking sucks" in her giggly Lana way, but he said that it really pushes him and how they work and argue all the time and it's what makes the music really great. When I met him after I asked him to sign my vinyl & my friend and I asked if he was working on Honeymoon and he said yes! Not sure if that means currently working on or worked on-- so don't make the statement more than what it is.

  5. "some sort of anti-x organization"


    :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


    I don't understand? It's funny at this point like is someone out there targetting this barely known artist or something? wtf is x even? anti-x? ridiculous.

  6. does anyone hoard a good Allie related URL for Tumblr? I need one.


    literally any word and put a redundant x somewhere in there 



  7. That video was amazing and y'all are all so wrong. The aesthetic is on point and she achieved what she was going for. She doesn't have a huge CGI budget or a huge budget in general so why not work that as an advantage? She did that! Crazy fun video.

  8. she uses X in her name because X defines the unknown. but yea, she needs to stop using it in every word :deadbanana:


    Yeah, I get that and it's fine, it's a cool name, Allie X. But even with "Collxtion" I was like nope, that's enough X's. It just seems redundant and forced.

  9. I love the previews (I refuse to call them "xample", cringe) of the 3 songs, they're all so good. I enjoy the imagery too, but the whole X thing is just confusing and unnecessary. Can't wait for the EP, but kind of confused about why the previews are so damn long...

  10. Wow! Black and blonde hair and red lips! Both an Ø and an Ë in just a first name? So unique! Her name isn't even pronounced Chloe anymore. Giving me a flashback of old days where MSN Messenger names had ~cool alternate characters~ and ~symbols~. Unfortunately, it's not 2005 anymore. I'll take it back if someone shows me her birth certificate or something. #BitterRebel4NoReason


    "27 Club" isn't bad, but the song is a cringeworthy and sounds like a Paloma Faith b-side.

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