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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. So good-- I like it as a whole more than Shrines, but Fineshrine is still one of their best tracks, Push Pull is also SO good. That video was great.


    Sucks that it leaked though.

  2. literally the worst song she's ever made :deadbanana:

    in my opinion ofc


    The wub wub wubs in the intro are awful but that chorus is A+ / Also I fully understand and accept your opinion / I feel like I'm in an art critique right now


    I just realized with this era, how important the artist's happiness truly is to a project. It shows through. I don't care for elaborate videos and "matching" visuals. The fact that she's so proud and pleased with herself really makes everything enjoyable.


    This is also important! She looks REALLY happy! This is how I feel about Ultraviolence though

  3. Yeah bro I said "otherwise," as in the still imagery not the vids, which we should just be grateful we're getting at all. But even the videos aren't like...pushing anything really disparate into the visual world of FROOT, they're nondescript enough to fit in even if they don't all have like...a slot machine of cartoon fruits like wtf do you guys want. Also Froot Happy and Immortal are all sparkly spacey and glamorous so I'm really missing the complaint here.


    And EH has it's merits and could definitely attract fans you can stop with this relentless hipster stuff


    IDK man I get what you're saying but it's just not doing it well enough for me , I just don't really get how it all ties in, that's all. Maybe I just personally hated the Immortal video and that's why I'm being so harsh on the visuals.


    I just realized Marina's put out a shit ton of music videos for each album, that's pretty interesting. She's been consistent in quantity and the ~slightly above average~ quality of them all though.


    Also leave me alone to hate on Electra Heart. I'll admit to Lonely Hearts Club being one of her best songs though  :hooker:

  4. Four videos in four months in the era immediately following her almost bankrupting her label? Who gives a FUCK if they match her album campaign or are to a certain visual/plot standard, the fact that we're getting anything in that department is a miracle. Otherwise the themes and visuals have been like really consistent so????


    Themes sort of, visuals no???? None of the videos have been visually consistent, except for maybe Froot and I'm A Ruin because she's just looking pretty and moving around while absolutely nothing happens. Actually that's the only consistency in her videos, the fact that nothing happens. I'm not asking for a plot, I'm asking for some kind of thrill and some ups and down. E.g. Two Weeks video-- nothing really happens, but you can't look away.


    I sound like a hater but I'm really not okay I love the songs that came out I just wish everything was tied together a little tighter.



    Get it through your heads: Marina did not have NEARLY as much artistic freedom with her first two albums as with FROOT. The Marina you fell in love with on Electra Heart is not the true Marina...


    Who could fall in love with /that/ Marina? I mean I guess I can see because of the whole forced concept thing. I'm kind of curious actually as to the sudden influx of fans during Electra Heart (trying really hard to not type Electry Hard every time)

  5. This is shaping up to be 900 times better than Electra Heart so I don't understand why you guys are being so whiny and harsh.


    Because there's the flawless TFJ that came before Electry Hard (Ha ha ha ha *pats self on back*)


    I love the girl and her music and how sweet she is but that doesn't mean I can't critique little things. Besides, it's not like I can do anything about it but complain anyway. Let the people have it all out~

  6. The thing about FROOT is...


    For me, it's honestly just kind of a little weird, how she's putting out the songs and the videos. She knows it's different and I guess it /is/ for the fans, but it kind of beats the album hype when you've already heart most of the tracks. The quality of the music isn't bad at all, so much better than Electra Heart so far, and "FROOT" and "Happy" are both excellent songs.


    The visuals and themes for this album is just a little confusing to me. One, she has this 'sci-fi technicolor fruit in space' theme as a visual introduction to FROOT, but absolutely nothing else follows up with it. There's no link between the visuals of any of the videos or even photography/single covers. I'm not saying everything has to be the same, but for me there's a huge disconnection between everything she's putting out. Is it just me? Also, whoever designed the new "Marina And The Diamonds" logo needs to stop.


    The FROOT Video, which was beautiful, was a bit boring-- but then again, the more I think about Marina's videos, they're all mostly just her looking pretty and that's about it. Minimally boring but still visually pleasing, the video for "I'm A Ruin" is similar to FROOT in that way, it's pretty to look at, but that's mostly about it. She also looked kind of awkward in the water and even though I wanted more of that scene, it definitely took a lot of CGI/After Effects to add on to her.


    I'm still excited, though. Hoping for more songs like FROOT and Happy.

  7. Slight overhaul






    I enjoy the visual diversity except among albums and sub-albums (demos, remixes), but then that instrumental and music videos cover lookin exactly the same...thanks for deleting ur PDF @@Rebel



    ~Outdated Paradise-esque look~


    Which ones do you need I have some for Demos and instrumentals and stuff

  8. Fe

    That wasn't funny when you verbatim said that in the last thread for a LB fad and it's not funny now


    It's not supposed to be funny, it's just how I feel! Leave me alone, go yawn to Banks all you want.



    Released stuff: "Let It Go", "Remarkable Affair", "Mother Russia" and "Giddy Up"

    Unreleased: "Eye to Eye", "Desert Lovers", "Never Quite Made It", "Find a Way", "World of Fantasy"


    She's going to release a new single soon, "Daffodils of Paris".


    She posted the trailer a month ago, interesting, I wonder what she's doing...

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