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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. I'll let her press bio speak for itself. ((I find it incredibly pretentious tbh, but ya get the gist of it))


    Allie X offers herself to you, body and blood

    but Allie X is not your savior.

    She’s not a GIF-making saint for you to worship on Tumblr

    nor a glitchy technicolor idol for you to pray to through an iPhone screen.

    She’s not a celebrity either, in the traditional sense.

    Though Katy Perry endorsed her and hundreds of thousands are streaming her, she’s not a poster for you to hang on your wall

    or an archetype to mold yourself into.

    Allie X is not a role model.

    She’s the shell you press to your ear to listen to the sound of your own blood coursing through your veins.

    She’s the echo of your isolated soul trapped in a body

    attempting release through ecstatic dance.

    Allie X makes pop music—electronic, detuned, glimmering confections woven from egoic dreams.

    delusional/childlike hope



    but don’t be fooled.

    Not everything made from the dredged up bits of her fragmented past

    are so easily reassembled.

    The girl behind the glasses and long brown hair is not someone you will ever know.

    You can imitate her Adopt her alien diet. Renounce sugar. Implant yourself in a new city

    You can be a classically trained pianist A failed musical theatre performer

    a self-taught producer

    but the question remains

    Are you closer to finding yourself?

    Consider the X:

    The variable of possibility. The site of treasure. The doorway to freedom. Search the structure of your psyche.

    Travel in/create an alternate/middle world where painful past meets glittering future. Spin around in a circle.

    Watch as the forms around you coalesce into light.

    Find truth in disorientation.

    Add X to your own equation.

    Become your own savior.

    Begin your own Xploration.


    This is so cringeworthy... could she try any harder?

  2. OMFG can either of you direct me to the first two episodes then???? PLEASE @@SitarHero @


    also not surprised @ the first two to leave, predicted that ever since all the queens were announced lol


    same help!!


    also I'm super rooting for Max, I actually talked to him a bunch a few years ago before he did drag on a Gaga forum lol, he's a cool and really nice guy.

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