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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. Wet

    Yes they're so good I wasn't gonna make a thread because I wanted them all for myself lmao


    Their EP is fucking amazing. "No Lie" is such a god damn good song.

  2. Is it true about she and Cara?


    Lmao yes it's so obvious


    Apparently she and Carrie broke up because Carrie cheated on her with fucking Taylor Schlling.



    But as long as we can all agree that Miss Fame, Pearl, and Max had the Top 3 bearded looks, it's all good. 

    I LIVED, DIED, AND WAS REBORN with Fame's bearded look. Can we just please appreciate it. 




    Yes or even looks in general + Violet and somtimes not Pearl


    Super rooting for Pearl though, is he gonna be the Adore of this season?

  4. So excited to see her at Governors ball in two months! Hoping by then she's pretty comfortable with the Froot songs... NGL she doesn't sound as good in that video as she sounded when I've seen her live, but she just started performing again.




    + maybe her show on Friday night at Webster Hall too

  5. As much as I like Max, this week she was just... uh... her "classiness" thing is getting to her potential-- there's a way to be smart, sassy, and classy without being nasty, but her character fell so god damn flat. Her looks are always so fucking amazing and she's so good at the art and the aesthetics, humor isn't meant for her.


    I hope Trixie comes back.

  6. Let me repost my drag no one saw #SpreadingNegativity



    Wow! Black and blonde hair and red lips! Both an Ø and an Ë in just a first name? So unique! Her name isn't even pronounced Chloe anymore. Giving me a flashback of old days where MSN Messenger names had ~cool alternate characters~ and ~symbols~. Unfortunately, it's not 2005 anymore. I'll take it back if someone shows me her birth certificate or something. #BitterRebel4NoReason


    "27 Club" isn't bad, but the song is a cringeworthy and sounds like a Paloma Faith b-side.


  7. she absolutely killed it. Did anyone record the performance? (audio at least? Video would be terrific though!)


    You can still watch it on the stream if you go back, but I hope someone recorded it too because it was beautiful!

  8. ok let me get in on this b4 it's too late


    Saddest Song

    Is This Happiness 


Most Underrated Song


    Is This Happiness

    Wait For Life

    I Can Fly


    Best Lyrics

    Old Money

    Black Beauty

    Born To Die

    Gods & Monsters


    Best Live Performance

    Born To Die Live at The Poolside


    Uhhh idk man this category is weird/hard/consider removing it next year


    Best Laptop/A Cappella Song

    Heartshaped Chevrolet


    Living Without You


    Best Acoustic Song

    I assume live performance? idk

    Born To Die

    On Our Way


Best Cover

    Goodbye Kiss

    Blue Velvet


Best Demo

    Angels Forever

    On Our Way

    I Don't Wanna Go

  9. The EP is nice. Bitch remains awful, and Prime remains the Prime of the album. Catch, Tumor and Sanctuary are all good as well.


    I like Allie for her music, and some of her visuals for the Catch video was nice as well. She's got somewhat good art direction but the thing that is throwing me off is the entire fucking X thing. From the story, to the fucking anti-x organization and putting X everywhere (I know I've mentioned this like a thousand times, I know, sorry), all her gimmicks are so redundant and unnecessary. It's annoying and getting in the way of the music. 


    Lol turns out i'm TSN

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