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Everything posted by clementines

  1. This Hell is such a BOPPPPPPPPPP I can't turn it off
  2. i have to agree (but the vevo live sessions are pretty good, i have those in my library)
  3. positions is such a bad album to follow up DW SW and TUN which are three of the best pop albums in recent history
  4. reMeMber is lowkey terrible Album Ranking:
  5. clementines


    the best songs not getting videos
  6. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    I think After School is her best work period, but I think most people on here rank it Crybaby, After School and K-12 .
  7. well i went to a party last night so im hungover asf but anyways lets get an era moving
  8. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    I'd vote to add Moon Cycle to this list
  9. the way I'd burst into tears if Roses Bloom For You is on LDR9, like we know there is at least a semi-finished version due to her post listening to a version with harmonies.
  10. clementines

    Melanie Martinez

    I think I'd die if we didn't get at least a Sirens official release...everything else I'm very grateful we got (if they don't get released) because I love love loveeee Mother Of Pearl, Garden, and Emerald.
  11. the way her cover art ate that tho
  12. this is def gonna be on Nikki’s project and not Lana’s
  13. maybe that is a song if hers in the video #delulu
  14. it was a really good photoshoot, that's cute
  15. what if it’s a song called Stars Align ?
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