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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. WTF is Francesco posting on Instagram? https://instagram.com/p/zrhEMJCIKP/?modal=true
  2. She just needs to get her shit back together, deliver good music and visuals, stop always being so passive agressive in interviews, quit the tacky clothing and getting rid of some pounds. Girl needs a new, GOOD stylist as desperately as I need somebody to breed me tonight. That's all.
  3. I think I posted a few days ago that Imma need some information from Lana soon, but maybe it's for the better we don' t hear a single thing for some time now. After this inspiring cover of Cola, which will hopefully launch a successful career in the entertainment industry and these things going on with these bitter old Kim and Katy women, Lana should maybe remain calm til her tour starts and not even post anything on Insta or anywhere else.
  4. Isn't she on the issue of some magazines in March? She better tell something, especially if Ronson is producing or who is producing this record...
  5. It's a fashion magazine. Doubt she would reveal more info there, even if she is interviewed
  6. Kim should not mess with Lana as long she is friends with Courtney. Courtney can shut down anybody. I think she should also befriend pretty AB.
  7. Some of you overreact a bit. Kim is an asshole and a bitter bitch. I am sure Lana knows that
  8. Time for some news about Honeymoon, Lana! When this Kim can sell her book with your name, create some buzz for the thing that actually matters.
  9. Well, they do not come for Rihanna in the same way, since the feminist club is a 90% white women elitists one, so they care way less for black women in general They do come for Miley and other female popstars also black females from time to time, but since they are pop and pop is trash anyway to them or simply not artistic and not their level of really deep thoughts, it's something they expect from them anyway. The difference is also that Lana is not selling sex, not the pornographic kinda one, the tone is way more sensual and that's the point where that angers them, because sensuality goes much deeper than pure sex. They also can't write off the talent and the quality compared to pure pop. Many views in feminism simply don't work for many women, at least when it comes from the sex negatives. I as a male, also don't care about their views on porn, s/m sex, etc. They pretty much doom sex, dominance or being sexual / sensual, but we are humans after all. When we see somebody who is attractive and comfortable enough to share sensual / sexual fantasies or sends signals, we react. And sex itself is never about equality really. You have fantasies, you want to be dominant or being dominated and that is something many of them refuse to accept.
  10. Hmm, I really wanted to write something more thoughtful after coming home while tryiing to give this woman a chance. Sadly, as many others have stated she is taking it to Twitter for attention. And it is a stunt to sell her book. She clearly knows that many feminists (the sex-negative ones and the older generation) are not too keen on Lana and that Lana has a big following of fans and haters. This is actually not bad for Lana. She makes the experience that a petty woman whose hey-days are long gone now tries to make some cash with her name. And how very petty she is when she calls the men "older ugly guys", where you would think that a feminst is more interest in things that are not so superficial like "beauty". Let's not even talk about the fact that it is not really a comment that stands for equality of the sexes either. Besides that; I really wanna see the good looking guys she has dated over the years. Really eager to know. It's funny that she is coming for Lana and not women like Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears or Rihanna, but no, she choses to come for Lana instead. This is something I have claimed all the way when the feminist attacks started on Lana and I have zero problems repeating it: they fear and disrespect a beautiful woman who is talented enough to make her own music and rises to stardom in a field that is more alternative than pop. This is their worst nightmare. Well, it ended up being longer than I thought, but I don't have the nerve right now to post more.
  11. Ugh, I will post about this when I finish work today. So, hold your breath! Anyways, for now I will just say
  12. my fellow countryman: this is better than Cola. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=794554673962501&pnref=story
  13. tbh, I don't like the production on these. And since Kevin is gone, I can finally say COLA SUCKS! Compare OM to the rest of UV, it simply lacks everything production-wise.
  14. "sonically" (please somebody beat me for using this Lana vocabulary) it sounds better than anything Nowels and Heath could come up with.
  15. Well, they don't see her as an indie artist since they submitted all her material for the Grammys in the pop categories and they didn't want to pay for Auerbach til they got convinced.
  16. After all, Heath and Nowels are probably way cheaper to work with than Ronson. Not really sure if Interscope wants to pay lots after everything Auerbach and the final result. They for sure expected more from UV
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