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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. No, because I know you won't get it on an official Lana album anymore But srsly, some of the posts are really poor and disrespectful towards Lana and all people who love UV. You can love or dislike an album, I don't dislike BTD (quite the opposite), but goodness some of the posts here are pathetic
  2. I really consider to start trolling like the Loon stans now. That won't end well for the Loonsters.
  3. What is actually going on here at this place, like...???? Some of you should really consider stanning for Emile rather than Lana, tbqfh. The intro of the song is lovely, but afterwards she loses me. In the end, it's not her song, she only gave the vocals and that's okay for me. The annoying "OMG this is what UV should have sounded like" is so annoying and disrespectful towards Lana with all my respect for different tastes. Maybe after the next era the annoying loon stans will finally realise that if they wanna stan Loon they should better ditch Lana.
  4. I mean, I am always a bit suprised when those who claim to be "the real fans" who don't want promo unlike us" the fake stans" only want Lana to release an album and vanish? Do they get so sick of her so quickly?
  5. All I can say is that she looked SO happy at the Golden Globes and she laughed and really seemed to enjoy herself. I haven't seen that Lana in a while. Also, 4 songs are already produced, she has written 9, this album is probably finished when she starts her US tour. I can't wait!
  6. You need to be a songwriter that can pull off songs like that. Many of Lana's lyrics have kitsch and clichés in them. That's okay with me as long as you don't touch some topics.
  7. Cause it's the same with a topic like politics. When people write songs about that it either sounds a) corny af or b) preachy or c) both.
  8. Oh, Sirens material. Listened to that album twice. I know many ppl love it here, so I will remain quiet here.
  9. Not here for anything tacky like Christmas or Disney, not here for anything Marina, Florence or Ellie anyway. Not here for anything Elvis, Nirvana, GnR etc. If she does a cover, yes please, but it should be something out of the box.
  10. Pls stop. Miley is the way better live singer than Lana. I won't even discuss this any further.
  11. Pls stop. Miley is the way better live singer than Lana. I won't even discuss this any further.
  12. OMG, now we have moved to: HEW IS ALL BETTER LIVE THAN LANA???? Pls bitches, you can say about Miley whatever you want to say about her, but she beats Lana in every department when it comes to live singing. Let's not be delusional and talk about peaks in terms of live singing which is just a joke. At this point it is gettin ridic.
  13. To be fair, she has addressed it in one of her recent interviews that she just vanished. The video for Ultraviolence was allegedly a big budget one that was shelved for whatever reason. There were pictures of Lana on the set, but the video never saw the light of the day. She shot this iPhone video cause there was no money left to shoot another proper one. I don't know what her reasons were for cancelling all these promo slots. I will just leave it there cause I don't know what was going on and she never said the reasons. That's all in the past. I want to leave that behind and I can understand that people are not overexcited that a new album is coming after all what went wrong in 2014. The music however has not disappointed me, which is the biggest thing she has going for her.
  14. Well, just wait, people on here will get you for this comment. On the one hand, you have the very devoted fans who think of themselves that they are the better fans "who don't give a shit about sucess cuz they are only here for da music" and who will defend her no matter what, as long as she seems that she doesn't give a fuck about showcasing her talent outside of an offical album release. The "just-let-her-be" attitude. On the other hand, you have the ones who critisize Lana's every decision, which is so funny because that is such a Little Monsters tea. Quite ironic that these two ladies who can not stand each other share around half of their fanbase. I can understand you when you say that she could or should hire somebody for singing lessons. Lana has a good voice, but without proper coaching and knowledge about how to maintain your voice for the years to come, it gets very dangerous when you get older. And then we all lose, when her voice gets flushed down the toilet and no music will be left at all. That can happen in 5-10 years of time, which is very close.
  15. I don't think that Lana doesn't care or doesn't want commercial success. Remember her comments about females who are trying to replace her and how she feels about them? Yeah. I just would like to know what happend with her giving up on Ultraviolence. Why did she gave up on it? The single choices were also the wrong ones. I posted many pages ago, that commercial success does matter to an artist. If you don't sell, you get either dropped by the label or they shorten your budget (which already happened with UV). And if you can not continue making your art your fans are used to, your fans drop you too. And that happens even to those fans who always claim they are just here for the music. I would just wish her that she can handle being in the spotlight and having a vision for the next album. I am not really sure if she had it for UV.
  16. would really love to know what the reason for their fallout was. they have also unfollowed eachother. And personally, I think that Heath is her weakest point.
  17. She lyin. She said UV sounds like Blue Jeans & Dark Paradise. Anyways, did anyone else notices how nasty this looks like: BJ & DP? Well played Lana, you little slut
  18. OFF-TOPIC WARNING FOR EVRYBODY INTERESTED IN ACTUAL ALBUM NEWS ON HONEYMOON, PLS SKIP FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!: I love every song on that record, but I really try to avoid listening too much to Amy. I am still mad at her, the people who were around her and upset or just mad at the drugs that killed her...I could go on about this for hours. Out of the people who went too soon she is my number one. I have personally never cared for Nirvana (don't judge me), but Amy's death really hit me like a train, although you saw it coming from an ocean away. Anyway, back on topic. I hope Lana and Mark are not going too close to Amy sound, I know Mark loves the album, but Lana ás good as she is in her own lane, just can't match Amy
  19. Radio. Never understood why this song was never an official single with a great video.
  20. The good thing about Lana making him the producer (allegedly, what we suppose now) is that I have re-discovered Back To Black again. I really forgot how much I loved "Love Is A Losing Game".
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