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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. it matters to me cuz i don't like fat ppl let me troll a bit guys and don't always get so defensive
  2. Preview of new music tonight while everybody is watching the Grammy's. Lana make it happen!
  3. Errr, then the Muse dude is clearly NOT the one to go to with that sound. Ronson would make so much more sense. Also, the hey-days of muse are like 10 years ago. One of the most overrated bands ever,
  4. Look, if she really goes in that prog-rock direction, she will fully transition into a modern day Tori Amos. Not a good look
  5. yikes, I hate Muse. The vocals of that dude can make dog ears bleed
  6. Was that Billboard cover also an interview with her and Kanye or just a photoshoot?
  7. Well, that's not how it works though. There are still 10 months to go
  8. I need some hype. I want to something big. This is boring. Bye.
  9. So, when is this coming out to end all of this? Please Lana, do something about this. Spill something!
  10. I still remember not going to work to get the album and play it all day (I did the same with UV). At first I was a bit disappointed although we basically knew almost every song before it leaked and some of the songs on the album were not as good as some who didn't make the cut, but I fell in love. This whole era was just so exciting. Rooting for her and fighting against others why Lana Del Rey is better than your basic fave, watching her rising to stardom, the glorious videos, the anticipation for Paradise and the way she was killin it on the charts worldwide, It made me so happy for her, cause she is the type of artist that deserves the success she had with this record. And she was such a babe, always smiling, laughing and nice to her fans like I have not seen a popstar before. And then all the leaks!!! It was so interesting being a Lana fan. The music just never stopped. BTD is less than 30k away from selling 1 million records in the UK, so buy 10, buy 20!
  11. Keep the dead careers here http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/28-lady-gaga/
  12. Well, last year she posted this one short clip on her Instagram about West Coast and we all didn't have a clue it was already a song when the Grammys were on. So, I would love her to tease more, but this will drive the remaining fanbase mad
  13. Something tells me that this album ain't happening. I also wonder why Mark Ronson didn't want to say a thing about it. Auerbach was way more open about being the producer for an album
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