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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. I refuse to believe that a proud, mature German lady will call herself "girl"
  2. Does anybody still remember interesting & intruiging short clips from Lana like this one anymore? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAAqnkPvSsY Anyway, idk what this 66 seconds should tell us, cuz it looks so boring and I don't even care to investigate. It has all become so freakin boring, Lana. I don't want a Chuck documentary or this 66 seconds clip, I would rather see something more for this album, like a new video that can actually be called one, not something filmed on a freaking iPhone. If you're done with this era, you betta tell girl. If you want to come back, do it when you are ready to offer us something that is worth our time.
  3. Still, it's a bit different. Jim Morrison is mentioned in the lyrics, so "living like Jim Morrison" would not sense make for a 1950's setting. Aside from that Gods & Monsters would be perfect, but I guess it's a bit too close to home. The Bowie song is timeless. Maybe Jessica is going for Delicious after all?
  4. and tumblr is wrong. they have heard the twins sing the first seconds of Fiona Apple's "Criminal" due to the preview for the 2nd episode:"I've been a bad, bad girl" and now these bitches think that Lana's "Sad Girl" makes sense when the plot was written months before Ultraviolence got even released, Actually, Criminal is a song Lana herself should consider covering.
  5. If she ever makes an accoustic album full with slow songs, christ I will hunt dat bitch down high-speed to give her the right pace for the next album
  6. I wish her next record would be full of songs like Kinda Outta Luck and You Can Be The Boss.
  7. because of a fake tweet. People seem to forget that the script needed to be written, which was way before UV was released.
  8. I am pretty sure it will be either Y&B or a song from BTD. No way, she will sing something from UV. UV came out 4 months ago.
  9. Video Games, a friend of mine posted it on FB and i replayed it while surfing the net without knowing why I exactly pressed repeat, but it was so addictive. It is still one of my favourite songs and probably the closest she will ever come to have ever written THE perfect love song. Then, I found other songs on the net, a few weeks later VG was officially released in Germany, went No.1 and the rest is history.
  10. She looks stunning and she seems to really enjoy herself. I've missed that.
  11. I think in the next episode the twins will be singing "Criminal" by Fiona Apple. It's funny how in AHS they sometimes seem to circle around some female names: Lana, Fiona....
  12. You mean, cuz we have so many suprises to endure every time she performs?
  13. Well, all I can say is that I am glad she finally opened up with another song than Cola, which I think is nowhere near one of her best songs. In fact, it got old so quickly. And that fact that she reminded herself that she a new album to perform live is a nice suprise.
  14. I don't think it will be Gods & Monsters because of : living like Jim Morrison . The plot is set in the 50's so that line would not make sense. She is probably singing a hit-single.
  15. The last sentence is like the complete opposite of what she has been saying throughout this whole album campaign. YAS Lana, finally.
  16. Even if I did and try, it wouldn't change your feelings towards this song, which is okay. Different strokes and all. Among my favourites on BTD are Radio and Diet Mtn Dew which the majority hates on here. If I ever get that one on her concerts (if I ever consider going for various reasons), it would be the perfect song for a piss-break of to get a beer for me.
  17. One of the worst songs she put on a record. Cliché lyrics, lifeless production and the terrible faux- jazz singing live versions of it annoy the hell out of me. Ultimate ear-stabbing attack
  18. It's gonna be "So Legit". An obvious pic and I can't wait to hear Jessica sing "Steffani you suck" and "you look like a man" . To speak in Gaga's words: I would die a little inside....
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