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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. "Not with that avi" or "Lookin at your avi" is like so 2010 ATRL and the poorest response you can give to anyone on a forum.
  2. The question I have been asking myself recently was: would UV have made me a Lana Del Rey fan that I am today? Well, I have to be honest: No. Let's not fool ourselves, the BTD / P era was incredibly exciting: the images, the videos, the endless amount of leaks and the AKA album that somehow blended itself into the same time period. Everything seemed, well not just seemed, it was so exciting. She seemed to care so much about her output, the presentation, everything was just spot on. This era is actually a huge, huge disappointment. Even with the material given, she could have created so much more and interesting stuff. When you want to put a distance between the last era and this one, you can handle it in a way that is still exciting for your fans to live this album with you, not just release it and vanish more or less. I don't care that some people on here, rise their eyebrows and vomit in their mouth when you mention the evil word of "promo", because I will never understand what is wrong with wanting your favourite artist to be on tele, on the radio, playing shows, making exciting videos. She has completly ruined it, tbh. The fact that she herself says that she doesn't feel any drive anymore leaves me stunned. What is the purpose to make music when you don't feel any drive? There is none. When I listen to an album, I just don't want to listen to an album filled with boredom and basically nothing going on there. What is actually going on on UV? Not much, the lyrical content has stayed the same, she has not added anything new, the sound structures are painfully simple at times and it sounds dated which is the worst. You can sometimes cover up the lack of ideas with an interesting sound, but she isn't. It is so painfully obvious that she doesn't have anything interesting to tell.
  3. Don't care, really. She is a grown woman and all. Also, she probably has fucked with others, James France and Baz Luhrman and maybe Austin Mahone, too I just want a bit more inspired era than what we've gotten so far for UV, tbh.
  4. If I haven't bought it in physical forn, I wouldn't be sure if there is an album at all and believe it was just a hoax.
  5. Would it be unfair to call her a lazy and boring live performer? I mean, she had great gigs, but the amount of no variations is just....This woman has more songs she could play live than so many artists who are 10+ years into their careers.
  6. The amount of drama, false information and rumours all over different forums and news is just beyond stupid. I have just seen on UKMIX that Lana is banned from French radio, which is not true. She is banned by one station, which is fair to say the one who has played her the most. We don't know why she has cancelled and people are already posting that she will be dropped or that she is sabotaging her own career, which is also as stupid as the drama-bottom Mariah stan. I don't know what is going with her. Maybe she will tell
  7. Apparently, the lyrics have leaked. The angelic vocals, too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM45nZYlGYM
  8. maybe Francesco made her throw up her pasta a la vodka while he was fingefucking her in public two days ago.
  9. No, she's just lazy. I can totally understand the radio station. She has cancelled twice. She let a lot of people down cancelling last minute.
  10. Ok, my post was preachy, but still: I really think she feeling herself a lot lately.
  11. This whole cancelling is just annoying. Been through that with the great Azealia and now Lana. I am sorry, but this whole making appointments and then cancelling is just so against everything I personally stand for. I grew up in a working class family. My parents worked their asses of all their life, I did that too. I appreciate hard work. If you refuse to work, you simply lose lots of respect from me. I respect ppl who work for their money. Especially when you cancel for being sick, but a few days ago you've been spotted with your boytoy fingering your mouth and kissing in public enjoying yourself. Apperently, it's not a throat-infection this time around.
  12. to be fair, who'd expect something as random as, let's say...."working"? idk, from Lana Del Rey?
  13. Like it more than the original. And I usually ignore remixes, but I just dislike this song in its original form sooo much. What an irony that the title track turned out to be my least favourite on this album.
  14. Exactly. Don't like this Ariana Grindr at all, but at least she has not yet married her labelboss for getting into the charts.
  15. and on a sidenote: in all her interviews she is just complaining how terribly mistreated she was although the public disagreed and bought her album and singles in millions. Thousands of artists who are trying to make it in the business would cut their right arm off just to be in the position she is in and she just complains about the media, promoting and basically everything. It's really grating now. Somebody should remind her that it is completly uninteresting what some magazines and newspapers write as long millions of people buy your music.
  16. Two different things. Gaga has a 360 deal, Lana hasn't, which is actually good for Lana. Everything Gaga does is bringing them money. Even money from her perfumes, merchandise, touring, everything. So of course they push Gaga more. And Gags is pop, Lana is somewhere in between.
  17. Well, during BTD we had gotten an amazing video for every single and everybody was freakin excited about it. After the let down that was the WC video, the fact that none of the songs on UV will be a potential hit and the general lack of interest on all sides (Lana, her team and her label), nobody expected anything. And who by the way would have hoped for something "exciting" after she made the video with a freakin' iPhone? The whole time I am just wondering what happend. This era seems so incredibly low-budget and low-key as if nobody at Interscope really expects this to be making enough money. And it's not even THAT bad. The album will hit the 1 million mark three months after release worldwide, which is okay.
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