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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Million Discounted Noses losing over 20 % on iKoons after the discount ended
  2. Halsey stans comparing Björk to their talentless fave. I have seen it all
  3. Born To Die outsold Born This Gay in Europe almost 3:1
  4. BTD had a nice scenario. Tropico was a mess through and through and we as a fanbase should rather forget it exists. It marked the beginning of the end of her commercial relevance. Nobody was here for it. this is not promoting Love. We all know ppl will stick with Born To Die songs
  5. show me all of them. and show me their audience. bonus: magazines don't sell records anymore.
  6. this is rather random and complety off the relevant music buyers and listeners attention. she needs promo on spotify, a discounted single on iKoons and tv promo. this is wasted money like the posters.
  7. While Lana and her team are sticking with the old schedule that they have planned which makes no sense whatsoever at this point. They did nothing for Love (nothing out of the ordinary) and the gap between songs will only cause all buzz that was there when Love was released to completly fizzle out. They could easily release another album track at this point. The early leak should only cause her album being pushed forward and not sticking to the old release schedule. It's not like they have anything major planned. Sometimes I really wonder if they want her product to sell decently or if they just want it to bomb.
  8. Do we really have people on here claiming that anything Halsey is better than Lana? Let alone a whole body of work? Why are these subhumans allowed in here?
  9. the love video only gets topped by the national anthem video and ride. although, i hate ride because of the prentious monologue, but it is her best video in a long, long time
  10. already posted a few days ago. let's go back to fighting
  11. I srsly hope that the other video she shot with Rich Lee is the next single. And lord, I am scared of any video directed by Chuck. I also want other stuff than Neil and Chuck.
  12. this must explain comamoon then. a blank stare into the wide open. as inspired as chuck's art. i know i am hard here, but art should not be a family business
  13. send her over to taylor swift. or gaga. taylor is smarter
  14. I don't want Chuck to have ANYTHING to do with the album. Good, why can't they just get her a job for somebody else?
  15. leaked_version


    Sweetheart, I hear what I hear. This song doesn't work. Lorde's voice and piano only is not cutting it. What the hell was she thinking while recording these new songs? This is completly tuneless. The two songs lack actually melodies, even though the porduction saves Green Light from being a total trainwreck of a song. She was so praised for her lyrics. And now she sounds like she is singing at some sort of high school event.
  16. leaked_version


    Sounds like a Marinara and the Potatoes demo. Just with bad vocals
  17. I want my full produced and re-recorded So Legit
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