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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. somebody should tweet this to lana! and I also wish she would return to this sort of storytelling like on BTD. And like he says it, she is NAILING every single chorus. She also nails every single bridge on this album, I know it's popular on here to bash BTD because it was so successful and some ppl on here feel superior when they like UV or HM more, but damn her ability to tell a story on BTD was simply on another level.
  2. CW is awful. There is no excuse for that. Recycling some phrases from her former material, awful and repetitive lyrics and it drags forever. Like, why is it over freakin six minutes long? The music is awesome. It is very well produced. But when Lana sings "I am crazy", I just think to myself that homegirl should stop calling herself a crazy motherfuckin , just because she was able to put a red dress on
  3. I think the ONLY serious mistake she made was not to include Flipside and Is This Happiness on UV (and no, I don't consider an iTunes and Target bonus a proper inclusion). Nobody really needed GAR and Cruel World. Fine China is nicely written, but then she loses the song at around 3:10 and the song goes on for another 2 and a half minutes for no reason. And it would have needed a different production.
  4. She looks great and her face does actually look more normal than in many other pics we have seen since HM. But I'd love this new topic for once: Lana leaves recording studio and says her new album is done. Bring it on TMZ
  5. Ugh, I am waiting for new information about this damn new alboom. Talk to us Lana.
  6. Merkel will win the next election though. I am always baffled when ppl who have no clue about German politics give their opinion about it. Merkel's party is far ahead of the Social Democrats (her coalition partner and second biggest party in Germany who supports her politics towards migrants and asylum seekers). Even IF her party loses the election (which would be another world wonder) the Social Democrats would win and they would need a coalition partner, which would be Merkel's party again. If they opt against that, they would have to make a coalition with the Green Party and the socialists (both of them on the far left). Only one party is opposing Merkel's politics right now and they have nobody who wants a coalition with them, cause they are way too far rightwinged and even sympathize with the nationalists. So check your facts, before posting crap. Thanks and my warmest wishes Besides that, I find it VERY, VERY tactless to talk about elections when just 12 people died because of a terrorist.
  7. Kathy is old & ugly. Her time is up and she knows it. She should just stick to hanging out with Cher, scaring kids for Haloween. Look at this thumbnail from YT alone, YIKES! We really shouldn't be promoting an ugly AND old hag.
  8. he gives ppl hits. lana stans don't want her to succeed. a true reversed stan experience.
  9. i am pretty sure that there are still 3-4 lana stans in finland who missed the paradise tour. they will be so lucky to hear all the btd songs and cola.
  10. The cover of an artist who was once super popular and who waited for too long to release a new album, had the biggest bomb of the last century and now, even the photographer doesn't care
  11. on the bright side of things, we can be pretty sure that her new album cover won't be worse than this. and oh yes, that is the cover of the new nelly furtado album
  12. the monsters are dragging this super hard. i mean, it's super corny. and somebody already made this gif
  13. Who cares? She has toured a lot in the US since 2014. When UV dropped, the a year later the Endless summer tour and always festivals in between. She hasn't done that much in Europe after the Paradise tour compared to the US. I am not sure if she likes Europe more than US now. We've dropped her, lmao
  14. yay, more paradise tour dates! can't wait to hear carmen, born to die and lolita one more time live again
  15. Well, I mean...Nothing we post on here will affect how she will keep on going for the next time to come. But, there is clearly quite a number of ppl who are dissatisfied with how she handles her releases and we can not brush that away. She cancelled gigs when ppl took a day off from work, skipped school and all of that just to cancel last minute without any reasoning. Many haven't forgiven her that. We can argue about how good or bad HM was, but one thing we can literally not argue about is the FACT that she really doesn't showcase her new material. She is hardly singing any new songs live aside from the promo singles. There is no fanbase in the world that is okay with it. Also, she is quite a big name in the music industry, despite the floppage of HM. I wonder why some of you desperately want to see her even less successful than she was with her last effort? What's the point? Tell that to a Gaga or Beyonce stan (and I know many of you stan Gaga) and they will rip you into pieces.
  16. This is probably the best post we had about this in a long time. Many members on here totally ignore that. Lana is not indie and I am pretty sure she doesn't want to be on an indie label either.
  17. If only Lana served us great quality with Honeymoon. And it's not true that only mass production and lack of quality sells. Urban artists have great sales because they serve actual quality and have a very devoted fanbase. And they are huge on streaming as well. I loathe Hitlor Swift to death, but in the context of a commercial pop record, 1939 was actually good. And this is just one popular example. Halsey and Melanie went Platinum and Gold because of streaming, because their audience is young and is streaming the heck out their albums on Spotify. Even when Lana released the video for Freak, she didn't re-enter the BB200, because her streaming numbers for Honeymoon were the pits that week. And no, nobody is judging the quality by the success, but in the case of some artists and Lana is one of them, quality is crucial to success. People will forgive crappy music a Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber (whose album had some good catchy pop songs on it actually) because they are young and cool to like among teenagers and kids. Lana is an artist that attracts listeners who actually appreciate quality. And when the quality isn't there, people are more critical or desinterested and the album fails. They also lose interest in the long term. It really is that simple guys. Take your stan glasses off. And for that one member who is saying that the music industry is not changing, dear God. Where have you been? The next week's No.1 on the BB100 is predicted to sell 65k (like, no kidding, 65k!!!). And it's december
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