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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. It's actually a shame some of the jokes we make here could become true and there is a high possibility for it, too.
  2. As pop as possible. Catchy choruses, well-written bridges and properly pronounced verses. She should also work with Emile again. This whole "I want to be appreciated as a writer and an artist" thing ain't working for her, see Grammys or this years End year's lists. Commercial Lana slays anyway and why we all fell in love with her. She should get rid of Rick Nowels. ETA: Oh and yeah, she should stop trying to be jazzy. Dear Lana, singing a bunch of aaaah's and ooooh's, just because you're running out of ideas for proper lyrics in a song, doesn't make you a jazz singer.
  3. Actually Me.I Am Mariah & my hot self are running China Palace. Same with the FBI, Beyonce's suprise release, Paula Deen's tv career and the ISIS. We are everywhere.
  4. Oh lord, she looks terrible. I muss her look from 2011 / 12. What the hell, Lana?
  5. so, we can expect another guitar driven album again? good.
  6. where the fuck do I keep saying that Lana is poor? And if you have to address something, quote @me! Thx
  7. She would get signed by another one if they don't make a new deal immidiately, but she has to sell less than now to lose her contract anyway.
  8. Artists sign for a number of records with a label. A contract gets renewed or not when it's full-filled. I don't know for how many records they have signed her.
  9. Shouldn't you be busy defending your fave Gaga and attacking Lana stans on ATRL? I think the fact that she is re-using old footage and strechting it for two videos for her new album is telling enough. Interscope and Polydor are not supportive of her anymore.
  10. I think that was the initial plan to have him as the producer and Honeymoon being a somewhat return of the BTD success. But since a label is green-lighting everything before it gets finally released, they probably were not that interested after hearing the majority of Honeymoon. Lana and Marc met, to give it a last shot and trying things together, but Ronson is an expensive producer to pay, much more expensive than Nowels, and when the album is not very promising, they will not support it by paying such a producer. The album was basically finished when Ronson joined last minute, usually the producer would be there right from the start. Just remember when the first little album campaigns were out. It had Polydor all over it, Interscope seemed to be less involved in funding this.
  11. She does not enjoy full atistic freedom. I mean, Interscope didn't even want to have Auerbach as the producer for UV. She really had to fight for this and in the end, it was luck because Adele's producer said he wouldn't want to change anything. It was probably a combination of her giving up and her label not showing much support. She experienced the complete opposite of BTD with her label. Lana and BTD were what you call in the music world "a concentrated push". Her label decided, even before the record was out, that she has to blow up and they were massivly promoting the album and her, because it had hits. I mean, the way how they were investing in her with all the big budget videos, a new artist rarely experiences this. UV didn't have the hits and she had no support, neither from Interscope nor from Polydor. This was a tough position to be in, when you have experienced an album era like BTD. Radio in America was probably very clear about not wanting to play her, so instead of putting the millions of dollars in payola, they invested in music videos and online promotion. Now, I think they legit don't care. She has peaked, they are not willing to push her, she knows the material is not able to blow up like BTD and from now on, they will just release it and let it sell what it sells. They would have paired her up with some big producers for Honeymoon if they saw potential in the record based on the actual songs.
  12. I have this sneaking suspicion that Lana actually dozed off during the recordings of Honeymoon many times. So Rick just wrote some crappy lyrics and made her mumble them while half-asleep. Then he just repeated the chorus previously recorded over and over.
  13. therefor you don't have to release an album. Just don't release anything.
  14. Lol. What is she even waiting for? Just drop that shit, Lana! It's not like this is an exciting visual era so that there are lots of reasons to be perched and it has probably been shot over a year ago
  15. It would sound like a hot mess and y'all know it. Grimes is actually not a great producer. Her songs are great from some indie-tumblr standards, but that is about it. Collabs rarely really work. So many ppl make them and they really sound forced, so many times. Especially between two females. It is so hard to nail that down. The underage fomos on here would wet their pants if Lana and MariNO did something together, but it would sound horrible and horribly predictable. I think something that is not too close to home may work. Somebody we would not think of normally, but even then, chances of doing nothing special are pretty high. (see: Rihanna, Kanye West and the dead man walking)
  16. I don't. And just for the record: that post grosses me out. lowkey.
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