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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. Lana is not the same type of artist like Beck or Tame Impala. Lana has way more pop appeal than these two. Lana is placed somewhere between pop and alternative, leaning way more towards pop. Of course not pop like Katy Perry or Brittany, but compareable to Lorde, Halsey, Melanie Martinez and Ellie Goulding. Not Grimes, Marina, Kimbra or Monae. Lorde, Halsey, Melanie and Ellie are her close competition. The others are just girls that never happend or had small sized success, never leaving an impact on pop culture like Lana, never having an album that was selling huge numbers with several successful singles accross the globe. The streaming numbers for UV are rahter meh, compared to HM they are almost sensational especially when you consider that streaming has literally exploded in popularity since 2015. And then compare Lana's Spotify numbers to these girls and not "the old ladies" (with no disrespect) like Tori or Kate. Yes, HM was at 604k in January. I doubt that it has sold 100k since then, that why I said still under 700k.
  2. @@Flipflopfan: sorry, but we don't live in the time and age of great performers? Since when are Katy Perry or Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez great live performers? Lana has more stage presence than somebody like Selena Gomez. Even Lorde is horrible and Lana is way better than her. And great vocals and stage presence doesn't always translate into sales: see Demi Lovato or more recently, Lady Gaga. Lana will lyrically never be in the league of artists like Nina Simone, Fiona Apple, Tori Amos or Kate Bush. I mean, even Tori can not reach the "wuthering heights" of Kate's lyricism. That is fine. Lana is a pop singer. The pretentiousness among some of her fans should not be her business. The vast majority wants a commercial sounding album in the vein of Born To Die. @@slang: we've been there before: Lana is not an indie artist. She is signed to a major label and is a pop arist. HM is still under 700k and her streaming numbers are horrible (and streaming is the future of music). Just look how streaming has taken over physical and iTunes, Amazon and such. And compare that to the streaming numbers of Honeymoon. I mean, I can also give you a great example of why it is that way. And quite frankly, it's the material. Should I go into details?
  3. Oh, and she needs to drop that "I'm a jazz singer now" -mentality. Like, nobody (or hardly anybody) is here for it. If I want to listen to jazz, I'll pick up some contemporary jazz records, not Lana Del Rey albums where she just uses her laziness in lyricism for "jazz" Like zzzzzz-my fucking ass, bitch. Just because she is too lazy to come up with a proper lyric, she sings "aaaaaaa", "uuuuuuh" "ahaaaaaaaah". No posts on Instagram will take away from the fact that this woman is for years constantly trolling her fanbase with lame excuses why she doesn't write as melodic songs like Video Games, Summertime Sadness and Blue Jeans anymore. Enough of it. I don't wanna sit thorugh an album like Honeymüün again where is no excitement, no real hook, no anything except for cultivated boredom. We as a fanbase deserve way better than that. Without us, she wouldn't even be around. She is a pop star. She signed up to be one. And she ain't no Nina Simone and will never be. She needs to excite her fanbase and not let it rot away.
  4. idk why u still bother responding? that is trolling in its purest form from stat2finish
  5. On the positive side: looks like she is over this era. And I hope for the next one we will get more than just Instagram photos. She really gives these untalented brats like Halsey or Melanie Martinez way too much room. Lana has starpower and she is charismatic. I hope she serves the right material and promotes it on TV and radio. There was an article recently where the industry is heading towards and one thing mentioned in there was that artists who use Instagram as a promo tool, will soon fade away quickly.
  6. What's up with all these Daily Fail articles as of lately? She is coming to smash with her new era as a super-blonde!
  7. Okay, now we need to talk about THIS!
  8. I have answered everything that is relevant to this thread. If you want a debate, you can keep sending me PM's instead of derailing this thread. Or you can simply explain us her "desperation". Something you brought up in this thread and still have not explained.
  9. First of all, if you don't see a sense of humour when I talk about a boobjob to start in a Meyer movie (who is actually dead, so it's hard to start in one his movies) that's not on me. That's on you. And you have not given us any explantion how she is desperate. She is one of the least promoted mainstream artists for a few years now. Still, I am waiting. If you don't have anything. let it go.
  10. Show me your marketing skills. Pls, explain to me (rather than just trying to hit low with personal attacks) what you know about marketing. Explain to all of us, how posting old footage with a length of 15 seconds with Lana reading a book creates buzz? I am eager to know. Pls explain, how is that desperate? I mean, as a Halsey stan who is as alternative as it gets for a Chicken Mcnugget, I am sure you can single out every bit of desperation. I will wait.
  11. First of all, my sight is very good. But let's not talk about that. Halsey might read this and find a new illness to suffer from. On a personal level and speaking of being deranged, it's actually quite pathetic to say she is creating buzz by posting old videos of doing nothing on her Instagram. That is not creating buzz. What do you know about marketing, love? I assume not that much.
  12. I could just tell. To think that you stan Trashley and come in here and complain about desperation is the lowest low of all.
  13. Aren't you a Halsey stan? In that case, laughing all day would be appropriate.
  14. Well, probably that's what it's supposed to be, kind of. I just hollered that at her 30th birthday she spend the whole day, reading. Although, I can also picture myself being in California, surrounded by a beautiful garden, nice weather and just read a nice book, so idk
  15. Love, just enjoy what we are getting. Don't try to find a meaning in everything. This is not like an actual release
  16. Perfect. She really needs some work out for her stomach and arms. Then she should stop messing with her face and rather get a decent boobjob. Nothing extraordinary, just something she could start in a Russ Meyer movie.
  17. Lana is currently writing Gaga's lead single "Daddy Monster". Ok, that was pretty wack but so was Honeymüüün and I legit couldn't think of anything better. Sorry y'all.
  18. leaked_version

    Azealia Banks

    Isn't it funny how KLAN by ProstitutIggy has been free falling on iTunes ever since AB dropped her mixtape? The 2nd time she is finishing her just like in the HOT97 interview.
  19. love ha hair. won't be satisfied until she is blonde though
  20. stop bumping this and mods close this mess. this is invasion of privacy quite frankly.
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