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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. are u colourblind? she had brown hair in it, not black
  2. lol. at this point she should just stay at home, cause nobody wants to see this fugly black on her.
  3. @@yourgirlcorny:Sadly the 8 Million were false. I estimate that 7 million were shipped. The tricky thing with streamings is that not every country counts them as a sold copy. The sad thing about HM is that it came out where streaming became huge and failed to become a success on streaming services. I am curious to see how her next album will perform there. Personally (take that with a grain of salt), I believe that long, slow openers don't do an album a favour when it comes to streaming. Shorter, more up-beat or middle tempo tracks at the beginning just make the album flow better at first.
  4. BTD probably around 5.5 Paradise EP probably round 700k UV probably round 1.6-1.7 HM round 700k
  5. there ain't no worldwide platinum (if you think of one million = Platinum in the US), lol. Maybe slightly over 700k. Maybe in a few years it will be over a million since records (aside from a very few) are selling really bad.
  6. My best friend came back from a holiday in Tel Aviv a few days ago. When he landed in Frankfurt, there was a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv in an area he frequented. Last night we were out here and when we woke up we read the news about 50 gay men being killed in a club. I really have lost this feeling of being secure in a club now. Just like that. I don't wanna put my family and friends through the things that the family and friends of the victims are going through right now and I don't wanna see my friends in danger because they just wanted to go out. This is a seriously messed up world we are living in.
  7. so, that notoriouswhitegirl thing was not updated since 2014? If that is true, it's kinda pointless.
  8. She can't make the same level videos like during BTD if her shit ain't selling like crazy though. And of course you want your fave to be successful. Like who doesn't want their fave to be successful and doing great?
  9. Beyonce is my new fave. Poor Lana.
  10. Oh trust me, I will always be here. You ain't getting rid of me. Maybe you should finally do some anal.
  11. You totally don't get my point. I am a consumer. I buy music, I pay for tickets. I don't have to consider anything, I don't have to take anything into account. I pay for being entertained. If you ain't ready, don't step out. If you wanna talk about wanting to kill yourself because of your fame and the pressure, I am sorry I have to feel sympathy for those who for example live on the bottom of the food chain or who get killed simply because they are black. And I am not even downplaying her issues, I just think she needs to be more concerned about how she addresses something. Or maybe get proper treatment which she can afford (also a thing many people in America can not) In the end of the day, when I go to a gig, I don't wanna listen to songs I have heard her play on almost every gig and on top of that with the same arragement. Switch it up otherwise you lose your audience. If she is all about her art, she would do more instead od remaining in her comfort zone.
  12. If you really wanna know it, I sell new cars to rich German men, so think before you try to come @me. What about you and why do you think getting personal is a good idea when people actually bring up VALID points into this discussion? You can't take criticism when it comes to Lana? Wrong idea to join a discussion board, dear. It's all good that she doesn't want to challenge herself. People are calling Lana out for pretty valid points: - lukewarm, uninspired performances - lukewarm, unspired, bland music on Comamoon - being generally unprofessional So if she really cares SO much about her music, why does it SUCK so much as of lately? Also, when I refered to her cancellations, do you actually know that she cancelled a gig in France not only once, but twice just before she had to be there? Do you know that people like me who actually work have to take a day off to get there? That some teenagers have probably skipped school? Others may have also booked tickets to get there. Hotel, train etc? You and all the delusionals on here are so foolish if you think that people will let her get away with it. And they haven't.
  13. Believe me or not, but from a point of even before UV dropped up until the BB Awards I wasn't even sure if Ben was still with her. And then all of a sudden he appeared in pictures rather often. I think Interscope just doesn't care when they have artists like Madonna, Eminem, Gaga, Dre, Selena Gomez or Kendrick who bring them the money. Lana doesn't cost them much money, she won't bring them a lot either, so they just let her release and let it sell what it sells. It's not the job of Interscope to push her or tell her what to do at this point of her career.. They have given her a lot of promo slots that she all cancelled for UV. If I was the boss of her label, I would have invited her into my office asking what the hell she is thinking. That diva sort of behaviour has burned many bridges for her forever and she was simply not big enough to behave like she did. Highly unprofessional.
  14. I think we can all sit down here and think what she could do better. There are a thousand things probably , the thing is: she won't be doing any of them. It's just what it is. She is in her comfort zone and not stepping out of it for even an inch.
  15. Flipflopfan is just constantly unsatisfied with everything Lana does. That is nothing new. On a more rational side of things, she needs to be more aware of how important touring and performing live in general is for her career. I am not speaking of some super-stardom, before anybody gets me wrong, but your perception as an artist and building a legacy for yourself which Lana clearly wants and she wants to be majorly respected and witnessed, hugely depends on your live shows. If she wants to overcome the stigma of being an artist with just one big era, she needs to make decisions. One of them is not to make BTD / P being 50-60 % of her setlists. Re-.working songs in a live setting, giving them different arrangements should be another option and of course, claim your new material live on stage. Showcase it, say: Here, this is my new music. This is me now. At this point, I wouldn't be tempted to see her live simply because I can almost tell you the setlist. And the songs sound way too close to the album versions. Yes, she has gotten better as a singer, not by much, but her approach in general needs to change in order to keep people interested. For her legacy but also for economic reasons. Songs like Carmen or Cola have no place in 2016. And she is 30 years old now. A song like Lolita only, ONLY makes sense if she re-works it and gives it a different perspective on stage.
  16. she hasn't toured for honeymoon anyway. so it's not like she could play the new songs. she is just starting to play songs from the album live. if i was her, I'd re-work some songs for a live set like FMWUTTT or MPG or play Old Money instead of Carmen. And she should give TBD a chance. It is perfect to be played live with a band.
  17. Maybe because many toruing acts rehearse for months with their band. Lana doesn't. Can't blame her though, rehearsing sucks
  18. Yeah, the dark brown and black hair was way, waaay too sharp for her. It made look really old, too. Remember the pic with Gaga? Let's just be happy that it is gone. Yeah, it just doesn't have to be a warm blonde tone, like no goldenblonde, caramelblonde, etc. But her hair colour now is great considering that she didn't damage her hair and dyed it constantly brighter to get rid of black. To get red pigments out of the hair is really hard
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