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Everything posted by leaked_version

  1. No, Lana's lips are sponsered by Bridgestone. Is Halsey already dead?
  2. I really hope it ain't another Honeymoon. Pls Lana, don't.
  3. dark blue dark blue We really want you to win, Lana! No Comamoon pls.
  4. In Europe, which was her main market during the BTD era, nobody does. Video Games, Blue Jeans and Summertime Sadness (the original) are all well-known. Many artists hate the songs that were their most successful ones. Interscope hired Cedric for the remix, they paid him and released it. She had zero control over it. I rather think she feels nothing about it. This whole "remixed the shit out" is blown so much out porportion. I mean, many guys on here are native speakers and know, that it ain't a drag, but because gays always want to see some shade in everything, it ends up the way it is.
  5. Like, who cares in 2016 anymore? She gave him a career. If anything, he has to be thankful.
  6. these last two pages, damn
  7. pls grab all pair of these unfortunate looking jeans, too
  8. Just recently, I've heard this rumour that her body fat is used to solve world hunger. Her blood is butter rushing through her veins like chickens chasing each other on a grassfield. A true saviour.
  9. Meghan ended Lana. #endthread
  10. Lana stopped by to say hello to the new owners of LB
  11. I hope she releases this in January. The competition will be PACKED from September on. Gaga is releasing a new single in Septemeber, maybe even Katy. If she delivers another Instagram filter mess, she doesn't stand a chance to gather attention.
  12. A shame. This could have been a great re-introduction for her in Latin America. The other mexican date isn't even listed on her Homepage. Maybe it's for the better so she can focus more on the new album.
  13. queen of fat pop. I think it's good that she is back in shape or at least almost. her stomach still looks a bit weird. however, it is better to work out at the gym and train hard insted of butchering your face and pumping up your lips as if Goodyear is going to make her their spokesperson.
  14. Istead of re-using a particular song with a whole instrumental or something like that, I'd rather see her chanelling some of her writing like on Is This Happiness, Flipside and the lyrics from Fine China Eclipse has shared with us. Sonically, to show she can still pull off uptempo tracks like Off To The Races or Raise Me Up. And in terms of guitar sounds, bring back Blake for your studio recordings, ffs!
  15. Well, we can not argue about our different tastes. Personally, I think it was weak and has very little replay value for me these days.
  16. I hope she doesn't release this year. She needs to collect material and write an album of 12 songs that are great, I am not here for a 14 track record where you can easily ditch half of it. She writes all her material unlike others, so a two year gap is perfect between albums.
  17. Would love her to put MTWBT on the setlist. It would work perfectly well before OTTR.
  18. She always cuts a song or two the longer the tour goes and is not replacing it
  19. Oh thx. Srsly. shut up. You don't cancel just because trolls on Twitter post negative stuff. They are not her audience anyway. The people who wanna see her will show up. If she canceled, you'd be the first to call her unprofessional. I am surprised how my favourite performances on this tour were Off To The Races, Lolita, High By The Beach and Yayo. The songs that are uptempo are so refreshing to listen to.
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