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  1. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Owen Pallett   
    Definitely! Well, each album is really different, since Has a Good Home is made of his voice and his violin, He Poos Clouds is made of his voice and a String Quartet, Heartland is made of his voice and Orchestral and electronic arrangements, and the upcoming album is made with a band!
    If you're looking for something quite harmonical, moody and soft, Has a Good Home is the best thing you can listen to. But for me, Heartland means everything. It's a record you must listen to throughout completely. 
    But start with Has a Good Home! If you get bored, listen  to Heartland, which is much more bold.
  2. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Owen Pallett   
    Coincidentally (or not lol) I've always heard him described as "the Canadian Patrick Wolf", but I never listened to more than a couple of his songs...

    I loved this Strokes cover he did for Stereogum's 'Is This It' tribute; his, Real Estate's & Austra's were pretty much the only good covers in that compilation tbh.
    Please recommend me an album or EP to start with?
  3. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Patrick Wolf   
    I think we should hang out some time. We seem to love the same music (which is the best)
    I got to know him thanks to the remix he made for Björk, and his collaborations with my dream man Owen Pallett. I fell in love almost instantly. I have almost all of his albums, my favorite is Lupercalia, holding hands with Brumalia, but lately I've been into The Bachellor so hard!
  4. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Patrick Wolf   
    I love him & want to marry him too but he would never marry me, I'm the wrong gender.
    My fave albums are Lycanthropy & Wind In The Wires (still haven't listened to his last 2 though).
    Lycanthropy in particular is just perfect; I adore Wolf Song, To The Lighthouse & The Childcatcher (this one is so disturbing!).
    This song though. This fucking song.
  5. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Owen Pallett   
    The most gracious thing that ever happened to the world and baroque/chamber experimental pop music takes the name of Michael James Owen Pallett (33) Formerly known as the most famous RPG games franchise "Final Fantasy", whose natural almost carnage relationship with music trully dazes his expectators. Multi-instrumentist, composer, producer, and singer-songwriter, he has worked for many artists (such as Arcade Fire and The National) and arranged a couple of movie original soundtracks.
    He has released 3 albums: "Has a Good Home" (2005), "He Poos Clouds" (2006), "Heartland" (2010), and he's on his way to finish "In Conflict"'s mixing, which is said to be released in the early stages of 2014.

    He's my personal favorite person in the world.
    Discuss <3
  6. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Patrick Wolf   
    Baroque/Chamber pop's gypsy king, Patrick Denis Apps (30), is a multi-instrumentist (amongst the fancy classical instruments he plays, the harp, the viola, the ukelele, the achordeon and many more), he writes and produces his songs, with the electro-sampling+classical instruments style that made him so infamous, that just charms whoever hears his songs.
    He has released 5 albums: Lycanthropy (2004), Wind in the Wires (2005), The Magic Position (2007), The Bachelor (2009), Lupercalia+Brumalia+Lemuralia (2011-2012) with a series of EPs in between, and a version compilation called "Sundark & Riverlight" in which throughout the 2 CDs we can listen to a specially orchestrated version of some specially chosen tracks from all his albums.

    Ps: He's done a cover of Born To Die Live!

    Don't you love him?
    I want to marry him.

  7. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in The Concerts Thread   
    I usually always go alone, coz the people I know are never interested in music I like. The great thing is that if you're waiting in the line, there are always new people to meet and get to know. That's how I ended up in Gaga's and Lana's shows, meeting the most awesome folks. So now I will have someone to go with
  8. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in The Concerts Thread   
    Random maybe, but has/does anyone go to concerts alone? Is it worth it?
  9. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Make up terrifying animals that could probably be real in Australia!   
    They actually have spider epidemics over there, no made up terrifying animal beats that as far as I'm concerned.
  10. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Quentin in True Love on the Side   
    Made me think of an episode from The Soup
  11. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    wow! this is a huge breakthrough! as always, i bow down to thee, @@evilentity !
    so, yet another link to jeff buckley: steven mertens is friends with & played with parker kindred, who also played with lizzy (http://web.archive.org/web/20081009165342/http://5pointsrecords.com/index.php?pg=31&artist_id=101 ). parker was jeff buckley's drummer circa the "sketches for my sweetheart the drunk" era. steven also played with joan wasser, jeff's last girlfriend. we all know jimmy gnecco briefly met jeff and was profoundly influenced by him, to the point of homage (in sound and in dedicated songs), and her infuatuation with JG is legendary. i'm thinking lizzy was just as obsessed with jeff buckley as i was!   the fact that reeve carney is gonna play jeff in a biopic is just full circle. she also loves many of JB's cited favorites, and aims to live her life with GRACE  and what is the first song in buckley's "grace" album? "mojo pin", whose chorus ends with "black beauty, i love you so"...and now, we have LDR's "black beauty". apart from her vocal inflections live, especially in her lizzy era, we can see that jeff buckley's influence on our dear lana is ongoing ♥
  12. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think they reformed briefly around 2008 or so, and did enjoy a certain resurgence in popularity when they did the 'Juno' soundtrack... I don't think they toured at the time, though.
    Completely possible, I believe both Adam & Kimya had drug issues & one of their band mates (Aaron Wilkinson) died of an OD in 2003.
    Adam Green? Steven apparently still plays in his backing band... (If it really was Adam Green, I'd puke. )
  13. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Make up terrifying animals that could probably be real in Australia!   
    the game is terrifying animals, not sex goddesses
  14. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by slang in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Yeah, Dan Heath was in the liner notes after Emile. My bad.   It's sad that she's sad about Black Beauty, but I'd still buy her next release on the basis of enjoying her older leaks. It's more the perfection or non-perfection of those that I'm fixated on, a lot of which seem complete enough songs.  If something about the music industry prevented her releasing more of the leaks (for instance, the Princess Superstar sessions), what was it? If she just thought the songs weren't "perfect" enough then ...   Punk rock, punk rock The boys used to punch each other in the face and girls were walking around wasted And everyone had a good night, come back in sunlight Punk rock, rock, rock   by which I mean "perfect" seems contradictory to "punk", which to my mind isn't just a historical rock style, but more of an attitude of being disinhibited and honest/heartfelt.  The thing that fascinates me about her older leaks is that she's got that. 
  15. lola liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana leaving music?   
    @ @@lola -- 9.5/10 Best New Exchange
  16. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana leaving music?   
    @ @@lola -- 9.5/10 Best New Exchange
  17. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana leaving music?   
    just fuckin w/ u radiohead is p cool, regardless of what the vocal minority says.
  18. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana leaving music?   
    fuck u i'm not a /mu/tant like u
  19. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana leaving music?   
    lmao wateva pleb i bet u think radiohead is good
  20. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana leaving music?   
    >tries to disprove my assertion
    >uses wrong green
  21. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana leaving music?   
    >implying it doesn't
  22. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana leaving music?   
    >implying greentext works on lb

  23. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana leaving music?   
    She said that in the beginning of 2012, so right after BTD was released and before Paradise came out.
    >trusting anything Lana says
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