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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. Just now, taco truck said:
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    tbh, grandfather is the only song out of the leaks that sounds like another Lana song/album to me. Even the "trap/pop" songs don't really sound like any of Lana's previous works in those genres



    that's totally valid! I hear you. My brain just isn't making any connection between Grandfather and a previous track just yet; totally nothing wrong for thinking that though :true:


  2. and also, I don't understand the obsession with comparing Lana's current music with her past songs. I guess it could be for a reference point, but I can assure you that 


    none of these songs sound like anything she's done in the past except Ocean Blvd sharing a similar chord progression to IYLDWM. I promise you! When someone asked me the other day for songs the leaked tracks sound similar to, I genuinely struggled, because Lana is truly exploring new territory here and the mellowness of the tracks doesn't change that fact.


  3. To give Lana the benefit of the doubt about false promises, I think being on a major record label such as Interscope truly limits artists on what they can put out. When I was a Gaga stan (:bebe:), she got just as excited to talk about projects that never came into fruition. Record labels absolutely suck, and I have no doubt in my mind that certain things she's talked about in the past ran into issues with the label or creative directors (Cherry MV). 


    But yes, certain things such as homemade music videos are absolutely things that are in her control and she could be more transparent.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

    i don't know about you guys but this delay was really the last straw :bebe: like rationally i know it's really not that much and it's way less terrible than the delays we had for nfr or chemtrails but it's just incredibly, incredibly unprofessional to delay five literal albums in a row. it seems like they're doing it on purpose at this point

    I actually agree. Especially when this "album campaign" is shaping up to be just a magazine interview and tons of merch. 

  5. Just now, burthday kake said:
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    im pretty sure this is the show she references in Fingertips, it was on July 23rd 2016 at the Red Cross Gala in Monaco & her uncle Dave died 2 days before on the 21st

    the private Leonardo Dicaprio event was on the 20th in St Tropez which is in France too so even geographically it doesn't really make sense


    the Price & Princess were in attendance




     & he


    Thanks for this!! Didn't know this at all

  6. 1 minute ago, American Whore said:


    Auerbach or Heath? Because i don't think she's ever mentioned any producer she doesn't want to work with again other than Mark Ronson who she didn't wanna work with only bc her label was forcing her to work with him and she didn't like that



    Dan said about this time last year that he's open to working with Lana again, she never said much about it as far as i remember 

    I guess I just picked up context clues. There was an interview where she did say that her and Dan fought all of the time making Ultraviolence and that it was stressful for her. The fact that she hasn't worked with him after that says all I personally need to know.

  7. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Ik this is off topic but what happened with Dan and Lana:ohno: I thought he was working on Rob’s album

    I didn't check the production credits on that album, but I remember Lana saying they didn't agree on anything and doesn't want to work with him in the future.

  8. Just now, Selfloathinpoet said:

    There's not a single day that Lanaboards name is not mentioned on ATRL LMAO:silly:

    Anyways, stream A&W:beyonce:

    That was me :hillary:


    Dan and Lana ended terribly and do not have a relationship, she hasn't worked with Emilie since Wait for Life, and Rick is close to death; time to get over it and move on!

  9. 3 hours ago, takeitdoen said:

    What you are describing isn't possible on the Invision forum software. The only thing that might be of help is a browser extension that disables html commands, but that would greatly reduce the forums usability to you.

    Once you place someone on your ignore list, it's up to you to not engage and practise self control. If users are causing you grief you can report the posts or you could consider logging off.


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