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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. Ostensibly, the song will appear on Norman Fucking Rockwell, an album that will — based on everything that’s come before — be about love and America and desolate moments of revelation playing out on suburban lawns and back alleys. But what makes “hope” interesting right now, divorced from the context of the album, is how spare the track is. Over barely-there piano, Del Rey sings about church basements, burned coffee, and retaining hope when she probably shouldn’t anymore. She’s no stranger to themes of addiction and hopelessness, but she’s never sung them with such clarity. Lana Del Rey, at her best, has always written with wisdom beyond her years, but she’s never done it this well.




    Whew the acclaim already  :gclap: she doesn't get tired of this does she? It's what she deserves tbh

    For some reason, I thought critics would TRASH this. We'll see though, I can still be right

  2. Do we think NFR might be her most cohesive and storyline like album so far?


    I could imagine it starting out with a sad song or two maybe Cinnamon after them, then into HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI and another song near the middle. So it would start off sad, then go into HIADTFMTHBIHI which i'd say is like a kind of mental battle and possibly after that an even more weird/crazy song where it's like she has a breakdown - possibly NFR? then it goes from there to end on HTD, MAC and Venice Bitch which are more nostalgic but also looking towards the future. Happinness is a Butterfly either near the start if it's more of a sad/giving up hope of finding happiness type song or at the end if it's a more hopeful song.


    Im probably thinking too much about it though and it won't be anything like this :icant:


    I think Honeymoon will still hold the title of being her most cohesive record, but NFR will definitely be her most poetic.

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