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Posts posted by Fingertips

  1. I would love Mariners Apartment Complex to open the record and How To Disappear to close the record. I've posted this before, but lyrically it makes sense and has a nice sentiment.


    Mariners Apartment Complex - Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am.


    How To Disappear - I'm always going to be right here, no one's going anywhere.


    They also both mention the ocean, so again similar themes which I think is a nice continuation from Get Free.


    Exactly  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:

  2. I'm about to go off but I just woke up and listened to the song and jesus, I am quite literally speechless. 

    I'm sorry how did Lana go from fucking White Mustang to THIS in the space of just over a year? 

    These lyrics are absolutely insane, I always knew she was capable of writing like this but now that it's happened I'm just...dead. 

    And the album cover -- she clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore. In the best way. Everyone was banging on about quitting the LQ single covers but clearly this is the new agenda. Lana is evidently in total control of her image and output and is just trying to make the best art she can. And honestly I'm glad because this song will go down as one of her best of all time.


    anyway.... i'm just dead 




    Agreed  :defeated:

  3. This is going to sound insensitive, but the extreme outrages and sensitivities against miniscule "wrongdoings" is what sparked the extreme alt right movement in America and around the world (which always existed). We have to be smarter than this and put things into perspective by choosing the RIGHT battles. The more people cry and complain about things that are incosequential like this, we are just playing into the hands of the alt-right, giving them a weapon to use against us.

  4. I think she knows that the "black narcissist" line can spark controversy, but I don't think it's what she intends.


    If this is her being honest about her emotions and if she wants to reflect that in her music, then why should she censor herself just to avoid possible ambiguity? She chooses her words carefully, so I think it's more about her being open and honest than being racist. 


    It's some introspective sad girl shit right?



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