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Everything posted by Fingertips

  1. This is why I hate most of you. Cinnamon isn't even all that.
  2. MGK has done some problematic things, I'll give them that, but people on here really need to stop being so fucking pretentious and stop acting like Lana makes the most substantial, once in a lifetime type of music.
  3. All of the rap trashing in this thread is so ignorant. Just because it's not your genre of choice, or have a limited musical knowledge outside of Lana "Lolita" Del Rey, doesn't give you the right to stereotype and trash an entire type of music.
  4. Pretty sure the album will end up being 13/14 tracks. Just a hunch
  5. Burnt Norton is one of the best interludes ever. It creates the perfect dichotomy between the first and second half of Honeymoon. Hopefully NFR has one as well.
  6. Shades of GOD has always been better than WC. I don't need to be brave to state facts. You know the addy.
  7. It's already better than West Coast. Shades of Cool is better than West Coast
  8. Honeymoon Ultraviolence Lust for Life Paradise Born to Die
  9. Honeymoon Ultraviolence Lust for Life Paradise Born to Die
  10. oh god this snippet is even WORSE
  11. Fingertips

    Book Thread!

    Wise Blood - Flannery O'Connor The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays - Albert Camus Marianne Moore Collected Poems
  12. She is really peaking all over again. #1 and #2 on the US iTunes album charts, #1,#2 and #4 on singles. Wow.
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