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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. We should all start a thread called “Lana Songs Except Lyrics Changed To Represent Her Currently”
  2. Happiness is a butterfly I see my release window going by Hanging with my blondies baby All we do is drink matcha tea Doing yoga and pilates My album isn’t out for the ladies lil b If the hype is killed then what’s the worst That can happen to a baddie who’s already at church, I’m already at church If my album’s late, then who’s to blame? Everyone else can release theirs first, release theirs first I said take me to Hillsong Don’t be a fat schlong Posting on Instagram All of my poetry That will never get released
  3. Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself
  4. This would make sense, except they were in the studio together back in February or March I think? Wasn’t there a video of them on Jack’s Instagram story? I mean maybe but I don’t think that’s the case. She also said after G Sleazy, she wasn’t gonna date musicians again and she was seen with that trainer guy right?
  5. The second book holY FUCK AM I LOSING MY SHIT RIGHT NOW. UGHHHH it’s just so great lol
  6. Where the fuck did Lana even meet these random girls? I mean she couldn’t have just had a “Be A Lana Del Rey Friend” contest bc none of them would’ve won and they’re just so fucking basic. I hate it. It’s so cringy. When I see her post with them it just makes me wanna pull my hair out. What worries me is if they influence Lana’s music in a way to be more Taylor Swift-y bc of how much they all look like basic 16 year old girls in high school who still “need a Starbucks soy latte no sugar I’m watching my weight” type. That’s just all of their personalities and I can see it. Maybe it’s so Lana feels better about herself so she surrounds herself with these random women that aren’t on her level??????? Ughhhhhh I hate this era so much. It’s almost Easter and here the fuck we sit, waiting for this goddamn record... Maybe May or June hopefully.......... if she wasn’t hanging out with them, she could be hanging with actually cool people (Florence Welch, Marina, FKA, I mean, yikes let’s get her some good friends)
  7. You think Lana doesn’t bring in much profit? Did you see her last era? The shows sold out a ton, the album sold tons, and she’s been one of the most streamed female artists on Spotify for years. Profit is no area of worry. If anything it’s that she won’t release an album if they force her to so they’ll leave her alone and let her do it herself
  8. I really liked this episode. It drew things closer to the end, gave us some insight on what’s going on and what’s to come. It also tied up a few loose ends. Jon’s main storyline is about to be changed forever and I don’t think he knows how to deal with it. This season will be so fucking good, I’m so excited for the rest
  9. I can’t wait for there to be a Hope Is A... acapella that leaks so someone can put a new instrumental to it (and I’ll name that fucking version Sylvia in my iTunes)
  10. So we’re about halfway through April and still nothing
  11. I’m pretty sure she at least smokes weed too. I mean HBTB, Brooklyn Baby, Venice Bitch all talk about getting high (although at the same time, Florida Kilos was on UV too so who knows)
  12. I hope Lana was lying when she said 11 tracks and I hope it turns out to be a 2 part record like Marina’s
  13. I need a full on psychedelic album with Neil Krug shooting the videos and album cover. an e x P E R I E N C E Neil? I’m p sure he said they didn’t shoot anything in a tweet and I know she said they didn’t shoot in the insta live video
  14. I think she now has production freedom at Interscope or it felt that way after UV was released but now I’m not so sure...
  15. **Not to be confused with the Starry Eyes we already have that leaked forever ago
  16. All I’m saying is this: if you’re going to share with us, share with us. If you intend on just teasing to build your ego, fine cool but do it somewhere else and don’t try to get people’s hopes up just for them to be disappointed bc you want to be a cunt. This goes for all leakers not just specifically @@Eclipse . Of course they won’t care or listen bc who am I?
  17. I’m not raging I’m just stating what I’m sure plenty of fans have been thinking after snippets get teased and nothing happens. And he’s one of the leakers who’ve done this exact thing. I’m not saying he’s never leaked anything, yikes. But go off sis
  18. Of course not but it’s cool to hear tracks like Your Girl. And tracks like The Good Life which is an unreleased cover. Why would she care about a cover? Or demo versions of tracks that released already? It’s inevitable that songs will leak, it happens with Lana all the time and she’s fully aware. I’m not saying leak everything under the sun that she’s made, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re going to share a snippet, be aware that people will expect the full track at some point instead of some that we’ve only heard a snippet of and that’s all we’ve got for a year or two of that song.
  19. I never said I wasn’t being selfish and I haven’t called him that that I know of. Possibly months ago, sure. And I agree leaks are bad for artists but we’re at a point that Lana doesn’t give a fuck anymore about leaks, not as much as she used to. If it’ll never be used, what’s the point of keeping it to yourself and the dangling it in front of hundreds of fans? I’m not saying to leak everything. I’m saying if you have the balls to dangle snippets of tracks in front of fans, actually have the balls to leak it too. Expecting fans to not want to hear a full track that’s not going to be used is delusional. It’s different if he was leaking NFR tracks or LDR7’s tracks. Those, I am NOT asking for.
  20. Is that wrong??? Is it wrong for us to want more unreleased material that she’ll never use? Don’t act like you don’t have an unreleased stash in your iTunes
  21. So if you’re not proud of teasing shit why do you even do it? Why not leak the entire track instead of trying to get the gays to beg for something from you? If you know info or have tracks that you’d like to share, share the FULL THING instead of just parts just to turn around and say “Oh I’m not proud of doing that, I’m sorry forgive me” Stfu. Please. Unless you have anything constructive for this community, stfu. Everyone here gets along for the most part, no drama’s been started for weeks and then you show up and now people are fighting. This is ridiculous and childish. The pedo shit is ridiculous too. But whatever happened happened. Let’s build a bridge and get the fuck over it already (and please, include your ego with it, it’s giving me a headache)
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