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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Someone should make a countdown clock to Lana’s releases. Like we get news that she’s got a song coming and it’s due at say 3:00 then everyone would have a countdown clock until it releases in a thread or on the front page. and the same with the album releases
  2. I didn’t say it’s bad did I? It’s just a slow song. This one seems more upbeat. We don’t know, we just know Venice Bitch is coming Sept 18 instead of 2 tracks today. Unless MAC comes with another track
  3. American Whore

    Charli XCX

    I’m only here for the tea lol it got locked for a reason... I’m not a huge Charli fan but I really like Sucker so I mean she’s cool. I hear she’s releasing/leaking her own stuff this year a lot
  4. So far as we know, album is confirmed for 2019!!
  5. What if that article was bullshit and she’s surprise dropping an album today? Jk lol that’d never happen....
  6. Why do ppl think the second song is Venice Bitch and why do they not think it’s coming today??
  7. I’m honestly hoping November/December but I don’t know. Nov/Dec seem so soon but I kind of think it’ll be out this year (hell maybe she’ll do back to back releases with that 25 track unreleased album that she promised but we all know this woman...lol) inb4 she releases a 25 track album with new songs and says “this is my unreleased album LULZ fucc u kidzzzzz”
  8. Probably just under private until later. I think it seems like there’s a video series for it so whatever this project is with the video will play into the other songs possible video or another single’s video from the record
  9. Has anyone seen the posts on that account? I remember being convinced the Honeymoon account was her
  10. ahh okay I haven’t seen that vid in a while now so I wasn’t sure what that was or what it’s from lol
  11. What’s weird is she posted about Sharon Tate who was killed by Charles Manson I think? Dude I searched that name and found a creepy pic of Lana on Facebook. It’s dark and mysterious https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=108408429997808&set=a.108408453331139&type=3
  12. The account is now empty with the name Juliet Was looking at wrong account soz. The one I saw was @burthdaycake
  13. How did I not know this? Lol this is kind of weird because if it’s not her... it’d just be kinda scary for her
  14. I think it is kinda like the Coachella cover. I don’t think it’s representative of an album tho
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