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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. It’s so good!!!! It sounds like “they took my kindness” is about all you bitches who complained about her singing in Israel
  2. Guys a Lana poetry book?!?! That’s gonna make me so hungry for her to turn it into an album
  3. I don’t think we should, we don’t have a confirmed title yet
  4. Kim K back at it again with that weird shit. Omg remember when she made her fam eat her placenta? Hahahahaha
  5. Yougonna tell us more obvious stuff or a time stamp???? If you’ve heard it I wanna know how long it is
  6. I mean it’s a vague easy description I could’ve made about the song from what we’ve already heard so it’s not like they’re giving us much “news” about it lol
  7. Could be one, could be both back to back with Venice Bitch being released later I won’t believe it until I hear it tbh
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