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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. with more people having it, the chances go up of it leaking! from 49.58983% now up to 62.38917%!
  2. girl don't even worry about it, we're good! sorry if I seemed rude too, i wasn't trying to be. opinions are always hard topics to cover bc people will either agree or disagree and then it gets messy so you're right but i just wanted to share my two cents. thats the thing tho i'm okay if people don't agree with me or if they come for me, i can get my claws out too but thank you for apologizing and again i'm sorry too if i was being rude
  3. it smells like nail polish remover and 20 year old makeup in here someone quickly leak it so we can be done
  4. eh not really. but it's relevant to the conversation because it can help decipher the next direction of Lana's music. so for ocean blvd...
  5. Comparing the new album to the last album before it is nothing new to this forum. We do it every era, it's relevant to the discussion. Idk why it bothers you, just keep scrolling
  6. I really want more in the style of Jimmy, like that part is so chaotic and so good. Imagine if we had an entire album in a weird, trap beat heavy trip hop sound, it'd just be totally different from what we expect from Lana at this point. Like fuck. I think that's what caught me off guard with the Jimmy part because the AW part is so good and beautiful too and showcases that automatic writing style from her that we're gonna hear more of on this album but Jimmy literally switched everything up and then we were all shook. Like people warned us to expect something and we were still shook. I want more surprises, I love that she did that
  7. I don't think it'll be a full on pop sound, but I think it'll be a mix of trap rock? like trip hop but like trap rock if that makes sense idfk
  8. If there are outtakes and we get leaked outtakes from this album, I'm absolutely fucking making a playlist called Psycho Lifeguard also from everything about this album, it makes me wonder what comes next after this
  9. Auerbach or Heath? Because i don't think she's ever mentioned any producer she doesn't want to work with again other than Mark Ronson who she didn't wanna work with only bc her label was forcing her to work with him and she didn't like that Dan said about this time last year that he's open to working with Lana again, she never said much about it as far as i remember
  10. I didn't even download it, I just listened maybe two or three times somewhere and then lost them when a certain place got flooded and have been super careful not to open anything there no other snippets tho, idc about tags lol girl don't forget spoilers!
  11. same here. it's hard too, because what she's talking about in newer stuff, i don't think i've heard anyone else talk about in their music. idk. maybe i just don't have a broad enough spectrum for music (and i would say i do, typically) but it's just not... familiar for me within what i listen to.
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