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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. the guy on youtube who reviews and listens to music we stan tho
  2. not her following jon denton on tiktok full circle check the last page, it's there on the reddit link. i quoted it
  3. okay but why does she still look 27 ten years later? this lady is pushing 40 and she is giving mid 20s STILL
  4. it gives 2019 behind the scenes with the baseball game on insta live with jack
  6. it's the hair and middle part
  7. that's bc we'll be getting a treehouse before it in april
  8. Lana's actually talked about this before - on her albums, it's more to be inclusive of her friends or to showcase the people's voices around her, that's why she'll have a collab with one artist who has a verse or two artists who have their own parts. but when she collabs on their albums, she prefers to be in the backing vocals, even with artists like The Weeknd where she collabed on an non-featured Starboy song. it's like it's their song and she's just here to be here in the background. in a way, it's a huge complement bc it's almost as if she doesn't want to take any spotlight off of that artist at all -- it's their song and album yknow?
  9. is it weird to anyone else how it's separated on apple music? like there's a big chunk between each track. it's weird lol i guess apple music doesn't even know what to do with this album
  10. i listened and wish i didn't. it's annoying, the instrumental sucks and his voice sounds so digitized. if you told me this was made by an ai listening to him over and over and then being forced to "sing" lyrics over a bland, boring instrumental, i'd believe you. sorry, but if you're going to cover something at least try to do it well. it sounds worse than some of the gays who did a lil cover on here or on youtube or whatever
  11. why do i not like him at all? he looks so fake or something, idk what it is about him and his music kind of high key sucks
  12. me logging into lanaboards dot com and seeing rob music today
  13. @Elle can we have a mod start adding new smileys, we don't get many new ones anymore these same 4 crying ones are getting old and there's so many good ones out there
  14. I know it sounds pretentious as fuck but I'm very particular about vinyl tbh like I specifically do NOT open color vinyl, I don't even slit open the side to look at it, i keep it in the cellophane and if, and only if, i find an extra copy, I'll buy it and open it. That way if it goes out of print and I have a copy, it's still in mint condition and if one day i need money i have some small sort of investment especially if I can have the entire full collection of one album, like DYK's 4 vinyl variants. i got all variants of COCC and BB too when they were pre-orderable lol the only one i opened is my extra target red copy of BB and an extra red copy of COCC (and i think i have an extra cream color vinyl of COCC too? i don't remember)
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