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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i'm bored someone leak the whole album at this point, this whole snippet bullshit is getting old
  2. GO OFFFF!!!!! i'm loving this connection between everything, it makes everything make sense including poetry ahhhhhhh i'm screaming thank you for this
  3. Wait what dolby atmos video? In the car on tiktok she said "got a cop" what's censored? lol or do people think she said cock? because that'd be even funnier especially before the lyrics she sings later in that video the problem is, sometimes her lyrics in the booklets have incorrect lyrics too
  4. can you give us dark city while we wait for this to leak? make leakers iconic again also to be on topic, what color will the box set vinyl be? i think a nice warm orange might be cuteor a sea blue to stay on theme of "ocean"
  5. yeah, most services stream in 256kbps as far as i'm aware, but if you download from apple music, you can download it in lossless and hear it in that quality. i'm not sure about spotify. i'm pretty sure tidal was lossless at one point too. downloads are better, so when the album is released download it from the service instead of streaming it so you'll get the better quality not yet i don't think
  6. Urban Outfitters - Green Vinyl (Indies exclusive) in case anyone needs this link, i wasn't aware they had any this era until just now
  7. i just started watching and the lady who just walked out is serving Karen with money
  8. i'm not even watching, just saw lana's red carpet and i just... i hate the sleeves, i hate the belt, i would've chosen something else lol
  9. someone tag me if the whole thing leaks without disgusting tags. as soon as i heard it on grandfather i closed. idk what the purpose of tags are annoying honestly
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