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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. Of course. To me, so far, it sounds, as I have said, like there was a pillow over the mic. Maybe that’s the effect she wanted. I don’t find that effect interesting myself.
  2. And the vocals are mixed too far into the back. I like the song a lot, but it’s sleepy, and there’s just not enough aural contrast. As pop music, the dynamic is pretty low.
  3. Yeah--and she seems to have the audience sing most of the songs anyway. I've seen a lot of artists live, and can testify that Stevie Nicks and Debbie Harry cannot sing live, almost at all. I also feel that gratitude, and she seems very open to meeting fans, which is rare with such a successful artist.
  4. I think there's a lot of sketchiness in Lana's vocals and music, going back to BTD. Sometimes, her music comes across more like American folk art than professionally-produced music, especially in terms of her vocals, and I hear that again on some of the OC tracks. Lana has a lovely voice, and it is one of the two things that most draws me to her (especially her 'siren' voice), but she can 'sing' the same way Debbie Harry and Stevie Nicks can 'sing': in the studio, with all the technology, her voice is great, but live, at least in stadiums or large halls, she struggles. She doesn't have that Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Linda Ronstadt, Anne Wilson, Shirley Bassey, Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Nico, Tina Turner kind of voice that can shatter glass at 50 yards.
  5. When is the interview? Sometime in the next hour and 45 minutes? Are we sure there is an interview?
  6. But some people are coarse and boorish and that's that. They have the right to express themselves too. I'm not advocating for rudeness, I'm saying it's not going to hurt anyone here if some member says ''A&W' is a turd or a piece of shit or whatever. You're only responsible for your own posts and behavior. Let Elle and the mods take care of the rest as they see fit.
  7. Isn't it better in the long run to let people who attack and insult others to perhaps learn a lesson when 99% of the members here ignore or block them? Or no one at all responds to them?
  8. But since those things are not against the rules, and childish people are allowed to be members, and people are all different, you're going to get a percentage of that anywhere on the internet. Leave them alone, ignore them, or block them. If you've vehemently disliked someone has posted multiple times, why read anything they post at all? Skim over it.
  9. I agree. If I say, 'A&W' is a coarse piece of shit--remember that on 12/4, someone here called OC "a turd"--that's not necessarily offensive or an attempt to be offensive or to insult anyone. It's just someone expressing themselves. Ignore it if you don't like it. Keep in mind how many times other members have probably found any of our comments to their dislike.
  10. Let other people be themselves. If they're coarse or boorish in your eyes, that doesn't take away their rights to express themselves as they see fit as long as they remain within the rules set by Elle. You are responsible for your behavior alone, period, and others are for theirs. I'm sure I could find an example of something you've said here which, however politely expressed, I could exaggerate in my mind or emotions and see as 'beyond the pale' and offensive.
  11. Why should it bother you? Why do you take it to heart? LET PEOPLE hate a song or album if they want to and express why in whatever terms they feel appropriate. You trying to shut people up is, to me, much worse than anyone saying 'A&W' is a piece of garbage, that BB is the worst album by a major artist in 50 years, or that 'Fingertips' is flat and dead on arrival, etc. 'Consensus,' or enforced consensus, is not one of the rules here, last time I checked. People have their own thoughts, lives, experiences, opinions, and they're not the same as anyone else's.
  12. Exactly. Opinions other than your own aren't poisoning the well, like some pretend here. Take control and responsibility for your own emotions. Let other members speak. If you're consistently irritated by someone else's thoughts, block them. Or as TLW said, be an adult and scroll on. No one owns this site except Elle, so pretending that 'the majority' has some sort of control or power over others, or the minority, or the less emotional, is incorrect. It doesn't take much for the majority to be come the mob.
  13. Lana has rarely used 'singles' in the traditional way after 'Ride.' As we remember, for UV, she released 3 singles in 24 hours. The 'Love' and 'LFL' singles were obviously an attempt at commercial success, but neither caught any fire (and turned off a lot of Stans). She just sort of throws them out there, and they really serve no purpose except to be treats and teasers for the Stans, like 'MAC' and 'VB.' I don't think she's ever had any real belief that any of the them would break into the mainstream, which was the original purpose of singles. Calling them 'early release tracks' would probably be more accurate. When she did meet with some unexpected single-track success, like with 'Do'in Time,' it was unplanned.
  14. Do we know what the announcement is yet? Is it confirmed to be music-related in a direct way? Could it be a second album of all-new material? That would be a kick-ass move and really set the world ablaze.
  15. Lana has brought up God and religion on her albums again and again, and made allusions to Bible passages, and now on OB, we have more talk of God in the lyrics and a pastor's Interlude. So obviously, religion is a valid topic here as long as it remains in context. As with any other topic, it should be approached with some degree of delicacy and consideration for others and what their own opinions may be.
  16. They've been aware of one another for some time, obviously. I remember him calling her "interesting" way back about the time of Paradise.
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