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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. Yeah, to me, a 'global listening party' is more exciting in theory than in actuality, and I can't see BOZ or any other 'insider' getting too hepped up about it.
  2. Yes, because that's clearly a source of the problem. But don't make the same mistake of interpreting that as if I am 'trashing' ill mental health. As I've said here before, it's as common and varied as physical ill health.
  3. Thank you. I agree--it is 'victimization' in the sense that there is bullying and verbal abuse involved, and other 'mob behaviors' too. The response to OB as an album here has been largely positive from all that i've read, though members will have differing opinions on a song-by-song basis. As expected.
  4. Yeah, the second is called bullying and 'internet bravery,' saying things the poster wouldn't dare have the nerve to say face to face, also known as cowardice.
  5. I love BB. I bet that if fans and other listeners didn't have any idea what others thought, or what the 'majority consensus' was about any of Lana's records, they'd love BB or like it a lot more. There's a lot of unconscious bandwagon-jumping, here as well as in life generally, but that's nothing new with LDR's releases.
  6. Right. It's a forum, not an echo chamber. The purpose is not to comfort and support the emotional fragility of the immature, who find every disagreeing opinion to their own a threat and an attack. Of course some fans and Stans won't like OC, and some professional critics won't as well. Of course. I'm surprised this go-around how many members I thought were more emotionally mature have been throwing around outrageous words and accusations, and then stepping back and saying, "Who? Me? Innocent me?" So full of love for what they like and so full of bile for everything else. They're caught in a conondrum and must be in their overall lives as well.
  7. There's too much immaturity, period, and people whose right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. A lot of lack of mental health.
  8. So many members trash BB openly and unapologetically, without concern for "bringing down the vibe" of those who like it, but won't hear anyone say a 'bad' word in the present about OC. The snake eats its own tail.
  9. She probably followed her own counsel 100% this time, no compromises, not even slightly. I think she knew that many fans and Stans were somewhat tired of 'basic song' that she released a lot of in the last several years, as I mentioned earlier.
  10. I've had the same experience--48 hours ago, I listened to it over and over on a 10-mile walk around Brooklyn, and so didn't listen to it at all--except CN--over the last two days. Not that I'm afraid of wearing it out completely, because, as I've said, I still listen to BB and never tire of it (except the title track, which I don't care for).
  11. Yeah, some, several, of the tracks on BTD and one or two on Paradise can be clearly seen for what they are now, quickly-written filler. OC is about as far from BTD as an album could get.
  12. I feel the same way--so far. Looking forward to hearing it in HQ. It certainly doesn't drag the rest down for me.
  13. Are they "haters"? Or do they just not like it much, or as much as you? I may have missed some hardcore hate for x VB here, but I haven't seen it.
  14. If the vinyls are out there, why has CN not leaked? Surely someone with a copy must know how to make a LQ rip.
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