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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. I think it's like the overabundant and too-obvious classic rock references, it just seems that lately she's been name dropping too much and it loses any effectiveness as a result. However, they're her songs and I stand by her right to write whatever she pleases. I wish she'd really let go and write more distinctive songs like 'Live or Die,' 'Cola,' 'Gods & Monsters,' etc. But that doesn't seem to be where she's at right now.
  2. I agree. She's painting a picture, using actual events from her life here, an idea there, a sudden inspiration or feeling here again. She's writing impressionistic stories or prose poems and placing them to music. It's a mistake to take any song or lyric literally. Whether it's 'Text Book,' 'Wildflower,' 'Old Money,' 'Honeymoon' or 'Cola,' we--the audience, the listener--get the idea and set of emotions she's conveying. She's not a more literal storyteller like Bobbie Gentry with 'Ode To Billie Joe.'
  3. And we will probably have 'Land Rover' by that time as well. Cheers.
  4. CL isn't saying it's not normal---of course it is. Stevie Nicks has been dredging up old songs that are 30-40 years old ('Sorcerer,' 'Planets of the Universe,' 'Candlebright,' etc.) for a while now. CL just doesn't want another NFR! situation where we've heard half of the album and almost all the best tracks beforehand.
  5. Totally agree. I love your photo, by the way, it says so much with so little. Imagine LDR posing exactly like that for her next album cover. Having MAC, VB, and 'Hope' well beforehand ruined NFR! for me, as, with 'The Greatest,' they were the best songs on the record for me. We'd also heard the best part of 'HIAB' a year before. I didn't care for 'BUS' on COCC, and wish Lana had sung all of 'For Free,' so I hope she holds off on having Nicki participate until they do their country album or whatever. We have the three singles already, they can 'stand alone,' and we have 'Thunder' and 'Cherry Blossom.' If she wanted to use 'CB,' it would have fit nicely on COCC.
  6. I tend to agree. Look at YTH; was the second or third version better? Not in my opinion. 'Thunder' is perfect as it is. It's possible she could improve on CB, but I'd rather have all new songs. A-men.
  7. Thanks for the interpretation and clarification--presumably they're referring to the Americana/Folk album or double-album. Madon!
  8. It doesn't even make sense. Is he trying to say the next album--BB or whatever--will feature multiple guest artists? I'm not buying it. Is anyone?
  9. That was my guess last night, that she's in Florida and the hurricane is rolling in or past.
  10. So no one is interested in her 'Waiting...' post on IG? With the stormy sky over the ocean?
  11. She might be waiting too, for something unknown to us, or for the hurricane, in light of the photo she used. It could have a million meanings, typical of her to be ambiguous.
  12. Waiting? Is LDR in Florida right now? Or is this a ‘Thunder’ reference, a new song title, an album title?
  13. We'll always have the original or older version of 'Thunder.' I assume she feels she has to rerecord it for BB. I agree she ruined TNBAR. I deleted it and include the original on my NFR!.
  14. How she comes up with the melodies is what gets me--I have a few talents but songwriting is not one of them. She's so prolific, it's amazing. She's progressing to the point of other great songwriters and artists from the past with huge catalogs, from Sam Cooke, the Stones, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Bowie, Bruce Springsteen, Led Zeppelin and Bob Dylan to Prince, R.E.M. and Tori Amos. And some artists are famous for one or two good or great songs only. Meanwhile, LDR is producing everything from 'Summertime Sadness,' 'Video Games' and 'Ride' to 'Black Beauty,' 'Old Money,' 'Terrence Loves You,' '13 Beaches,' 'Heroin,' 'Venice Bitch,' 'The Greatest,' 'Yosemite' and 'Windflower Wildfire' in less than 10 years, and of course, another 20 or more great songs, not counting unreleased material like 'Angels Forever.' Springsteen is right to call her a great songwriter. And that's high praise from an Establishment figure and Rock legend.
  15. Completely agree. Preferably, especially if BB isn't the album title, I'd rather it sit by the wayside too. The first couple of notes are so 'Old Hollywood musical,' or 'Old Broadway,' I'm really interested to see how the song further develops. I wonder if she's been recently influenced by Old Broadway due to the musical she's supposed to be writing?
  16. I can’t tell what it is. It looks like an Asian dumpling crossed with a spool of twine and a ball of cheese.
  17. I almost wish she used the word ‘breasts’ instead of ‘chest.’
  18. It kind of has a theatrical quality, no?, the new song?
  19. ‘Beautiful’ and ‘sensual’ need not be overtly sexy. This is the album art we’ve been waiting for.
  20. It was thoughtful of her to let us know this this evening, so those who were expecting the album tomorrow can exhale. Two big dogs: shades of The Hounds of Love! What do we think this song is called?
  21. We didn't get any delay information on Christmas Day about the Americana album either. Did anyone figure out why Lanapedia has a date of, I think, August 24th or 25th?
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