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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. I don't think it's a bad song, just 'minor,' just something someone of her talent could have knocked off in a few hours. That's why, I think, some are calling LMLYLAW "lazy." But she clearly liked it enough to release it, and perhaps it's one of her favorites, we may never know.
  2. It's when you feel the urge to get up and go, to leave everything and just travel or move on. Historically, especially before the 20th century, this has largely been attributed to happening to men, but of course that's not wholly accurate. Men going to sea and joining various kinds of military units to 'see the world' is an example of this. Or, even earlier, the Crusades. Joni Mitchell's album 'Hejira' is a record of her own travels in the mid-70s, when friends told her they were driving across America and asked her if she wanted to go, and she dropped everything and got into the backseat, and off she went, in a spurt of wanderlust. The Beats and most of their works were also inspired by the same desire.
  3. Question: is the Spoiler button how you 'hide contents' here? Thanks. Ah, I see that it is. Thanks.
  4. Thanks--we can hope. If all that is accurate, she's sure been working hard in the studio.
  5. But while 'silent,' she could easily low-key put out the 'American standards' album that never saw the light of day on Christmas. Perhaps towards the end of this year.
  6. Great. Then we're on the same page. I agree that the pointless, groundless comments add nothing to the discussion and bring the whole tenor down for most.
  7. We've heard the live version, or a live version, which I believe is on YouTube. I asked the same thing.
  8. I think, for the sake of communication, we might explain why we feel or think as we do, and perhaps get into a genuine conversation about it, but no one should ever have to justify anything or be attacked for an opinion on a song or album.
  9. Thanks--I''m not one for an album's 'aesthetic cohesion,' which I know means a lot to a lot of LDR Stans, but in the case of COCC and LMLYLAW, I do feel they're cohesive. If that continues throughout the album with the other tracks, or most of them, that will be terrific.
  10. Absolutely true and beautifully expressed---if only LDR herself would return to that attitude! I think it was either GeminiLanaFan or Bunny Mozart who coined the term "fake Woke people" here, not referring to members, but to critics (like Anne Powers) who have attacked LDR routinely and held her up to their own exactly standards, instead of LDR's own.
  11. It's not 'slander,' it's just people expressing their thoughts, feelings and ideas, which of course are going to be unique and differ slightly or grossly from those of others'. That IS how you have a conversation. If I don't care for LMLYLAW and say so, I'm not attempting to offend those who like or love it. And so on. It should be interesting to all of us to know what others think and feel about the COCC title track and LMLYLAW. I love the title track, I think it's among her very best for a number of reasons which I've stated, and while I didn't care for LMLYLAW initially, after hearing the title track, I like it more, as the title track, for me, somehow brings LMLYLAW to life. Right now, I have very high hopes for COCC the album.
  12. The problem with both songs from a fan standpoint is that they're lazy for LDR, things she could write in a coma or dream in the tub. If she wants to produce such tracks, that's her business. Maybe she finds writing such songs relaxing. Groupie Love, the same thing. I'm hoping things won't get any lazier on COCC than LMLYLAW.
  13. She has to learn what a lot of other artists have learned over the decades/centuries, and that is to ignore the media as much as possible and focus on one's art and one's life. It's harder today in this era of IG and social media, but nonetheless many have found it the only way to keep their sanity. Worrying what all the critics and fans think or might think is very intrusive and ultimately destructive. A certain kind of extremely confident, cerebral artist can handle the media better, but those are few. The media loves to sit back and mock and distort and enjoy the mayhem and buzz their words create. It gives them power; it is their only power. 'Critics are eunuchs at the orgy,' George Burns said, and to some degree I do think that is true of many of them.
  14. Probably because she's no longer consider an enemy that has to be mocked and attacked by most critics. LDR and the critics made peace with NFR. I still feel that, with NFR, she capitulated to them and that is what they wanted, and all they wanted. Now she doesn't matter to them, unless she resurrects her early glamorous LDR persona and makes more remarks they loathe, like "feminism just isn't an interesting concept to me."
  15. Your assumptions of why I identify as I do are rude, and racist/classist too. This is a huge topic, a huge scientific topic as well as a sociological one, with more disagreements regarding conclusions than agreements. I can decide for myself what I am, and you can decide what you think I am based on a smattering of information. You know almost nothing about me, so watch yourself.
  16. No. Latins are not the same ethnicity as Anglo-Saxons.
  17. But we know that's not true. Look at what happened to Lust For Life. It seems to have had many lives, incarnations and identities before it was released in its final, mixed-bag form. LDR mentioned a lot of political tracks that were cut from it, as well as 'Serene Queen.' 'Change' and 'Coachella' were added at the last minute, 'Cherry' was a late addition, 'Yosemite' was cut, and the title track morphed from one of her best to a silly pop ditty thanks to Max Martin.
  18. Italians are Latins, like the French and the Spanish. They are 'White' when it's convenient for them to be so, non-White when that suits the interested party's intentions. I'm Italian/Scottish, and I consider myself White but mixed race. But remember, she publicly expressed a lack of confidence in it some time back. So if she's not getting behind it, I'm not surprised. She really hasn't gotten behind an album in a big way in a long while.
  19. Just listened...she did herself no favors with that interview and those responses. Annie was civil and fair.
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