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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. It’s not a question of her willfully lying, it’s a question of her just being wrong again, due to general cluelessness, speaking irresponsibly, the poetry book release being delayed again or almost anything else.
  2. A solid release date, preferably from Interscope, is what we need.
  3. And even then..even if she did say something about two months..how reliable has she proven to be?...what if the poetry book is delayed or delayed again, and so NFR has to be pushed back again? This just isn’t solid enough data for me to have faith in. I want to see the cover art, a track list and especially a preorder.
  4. One of the reasons I am glad LDR is using JA as a producer is because there were too many songs over the last several albums arranged like BAR, that is, they would start out low and slow, and then pretty quickly go bombastic. I do like BAR, but definitely wanted to see her do something else, something less predictable, and I think MAC and VB were good examples of different approaches that could be utilized.
  5. . Re-recording them would defeat the entire purpose and just become another arduous project / process full of endless decision-making. Tori Amos has done something similar, and earlier, Kate Bush did. I expect one day we will get something from LDR like Amos’s massive ‘A Piano,’ full of personal favorites that have already been released, ‘b-sides,’ multiple remastered leaked songs, and completely ‘new’ songs, both those we’re aware exist, like ‘Yosemite,’ and others we have never heard of, or don’t know the names of, like the ‘four political tracks’ left off LFL.
  6. She doesn’t say she almost loved him, she says he fucked her so good she “almost” says “I love you.” That’s two different things, because, often, in a rush of real physical passion, a person says, “I love you” because they're physically caught up in the moment. But while that can be an actual verbal reflection of genuine love, it can also be something blurted out in the heat of passion. I think most of us have experienced exactly that.
  7. With the last three NFR singles, she announced them at least several days beforehand—and the same with the Sublime cover. Since we haven’t had an announcement, is it only her birthday that leads you all to think she might release something tomorrow??
  8. It may be LDR recycled RBFY for NFR in original or revised form, but during the LFL release period, she described it as not a full song in itself, but only a kind of brief introduction to the LFL song cycle, which she then decided against using. I wish she had used it; I think it would have added a lot to an admittedly already-crowded album.
  9. I welcome her doing pop again if she does it with the irony, verve and gusto she used to. I love songs like ‘National Anthem’ and ‘Radio.’ ‘Groupie Love’ seemed like an effort to rekindle that effortless sort of pop, but failed, at least to me, especially because of the clumsy lyrics towards the beginning.
  10. But she hasn’t produced ‘Pop anthems’ since BTD. She really abandoned pop after that, strictly speaking, except for ‘Young & Beautiful’ and ‘Love,’ which had a very light pop-ish sort of touch.
  11. Exactly! It seems like three career steps backward.
  12. There’s no reason you should hate to agree with me. People sometimes develop the wildest misconceptions about one another here. I love Camille Paglia, Nico, Anderson East, R.E.M., Marianne Faithfull, the Cactus Blossoms, Carl Jung, Joni Mitchell, the Velvet Underground, Leonard Cohen, Frankie Lee, Tori Amos, 21 Pilots, Luke Winslow-King, Father John Misty, Kassidy, Jeff Buckley, Elvis Presley...what kind of monster can I be? Full agree with your other statements, and I am not afraid to say that. Who knows what her inner reasoning is. Like I said, I can only hope it will be something like MMITPM.
  13. They may be popular, but they're not the kind of musician LDR has seemed to want to be, become, or be associated with. They're pretty much everything she's run from as fast as possible in her own career. I would as much expect LDR to collaborate with the Jonas Brothers at this stage.
  14. She's been struggling to build 'artistic credibility' since UV, so I'm in the dark as to why she would collaborate with Miley and Arianna. I could see collaborations with 'older' artists like Courtney Love or Jakob Dylan, or those newer to the scene like Post Malone, Dylan LeBlanc or Ben Morrison, but I guess this is another example of her unpredictability and tendency to switch gears. She did do that sort of sort of sarcastic, cutting Pop really well, the 'Paradise*,' 'Meet Me In Pale Moonlight' and 'Making Out' kind, which I really enjoyed. Maybe this new collaboration will be a return to that? Is that too much to hope for from LDR in 2019? * song, not the album.
  15. I agree. Now things are getting clearer. There was NFR (which she may have continued working on after she said it was completed), the poetry book (and the perhaps unexpected hassles that came with it), the 'Doin' Time' cover that had to be released at a given time, this new collaboration single, her concert appearances...so a release schedule had to be prepared that accommodated all of these in a satisfying and effective sequence, not just for LDR, but for the people she was partnering with.
  16. I will of course listen to it, but I have no interest in her collaborating with those two, of all people. It has about as much appeal to me as a LDR/Justin Bieber collaboration. However, you never know. It might work as a sort of novelty. Every now and then a piece of junk pop comes along that is surprisingly likable, if disposable. The reason I was drawn to LDR in the first place was because she made clever, interesting music that seemed specifically to be Pop music rather than ‘Alternative,’ ‘Indie,’ ‘Rock’ or whatever else it might be called. The material on BTD/P seemed liked clever parodies or satires of contemporary Pop, sung and presented with a straight face. That’s what I liked so much about LDR, and what disappeared completely on UV. But I have yet to come across a Pop artist who is happy being labeled as such or happy with “a career in Pop.”
  17. She led the world to believe that (“top of the year”), so they probably did expect that when they booked her for these summer shows.
  18. My favorite too. Your description of NFR sounds just like THOSL then—a deviation from her standard approach that misses with the public but becomes an artists’ favorite and eventually is recognized as a masterpiece.
  19. I agree 100%. And she’s already given everyone a precedent in this with the “looking to get fucked hard” lyric from ‘Gods & Monsters.’
  20. I think it might be, but we’ll have to wait and see what the rest of the lyrics are. I am actually on the streets of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn right now, where The Deuce is filming. No sign of James F. or LDR.
  21. I wonder if the “you fucked me so good” line is going to cause anger/outrage in PC quarters, especially hardline feminist quarters, since it makes her sound like a passive recipient instead of an active participant. She could have avoided this potential headache by saying instead, “we fucked so good I almost said I love you.” But I am glad she said exactly what she wanted to say, perhaps exactly what her experience was. Me too. If I were doing the same, mine would probably be HissingSummerLawns.
  22. I think that that is most likely, RD. It’s about multiple men, including Barrie, G-Eazy, perhaps Franco, maybe the Italian photographer she dated a few years back. Is your handle inspired by Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter?
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