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Wanna Get Fucked Up

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Everything posted by Wanna Get Fucked Up

  1. looooool I meant like a charli smash, aka charting at like 80 on the UK charts
  2. oops! i thought it was just a joint collab (i.e. Charli & 1975 & no rome - spinning) my bad
  3. i wonder if this smashes if they'll do what they did during charli era with 1999 and decide to make it the lead single (despite probably going with something else had the collaboration not done well) personally i HATE when artists start an era/lead single as a collab but we'll have to see if it serves thursday
  4. even without the leaks, an album announcement 6 month before release???? for a small artist???? it's rly strange, even most big artists usually announce around 2-3 months in advance... it seems like it was initially a super strange decision and now that it's leaked i really don't understand why she wouldn't release it ASAP. it's not like she's on a major label and this release would conflict with others big releases? i get that maybe she had an album rollout planned but she's already got 3 singles out, just release the album and keep giving content over the next few months while people enjoy the album! i'm sad bc the longer she waits, the smaller the impact of the actual release will be
  5. it's actually insane like she literally only mumbles a few words and it makes for SUCH an amazing song
  6. 2 new charli songs coming in the very near future we are happy
  7. makes me so happy that artists are able to still share sophie's talent with us, as horrible as this has been, i hope other artists follow suit and bring more of sophie's creations to us (with proceeds being used for donations being a huge plus!)
  8. over this! might be her best song ever imo, i CANNOT get it out of my head
  9. picturing the fastest pizza delivery girl outfit/aesthetic................ we were robbed omg, it would've been amazing
  10. there's a snippet on dbr*e, it sounds AMAZING nvm it just leaked..
  11. i think everything leaked except for over this! now... also, does anyone know what this is then? https://dbree.org/v/5fe4e5 bc it definitely is not the butterflies that leaked
  12. on another note.... the leaks are SO good........... like i was kinda scared bc I HATED the first 2 singles and was scared the rest of the album would sound like that but it's literally amazing...
  13. I think the only good response to an album leaking is to release it ASAP, the longer they wait, more and more people will spread the leaks and less people will buy/stream if they have to wait til june.
  14. I wonder if any of her SOPHIE album has already been recorded? I know they worked together briefly during Charli era but I wonder if they've worked together since. Would be incredible but also so heartbreaking to hear the last of their collaborations together if they ever get released
  15. I've been thinking about this as well, also been thinking about what a song dedicated to SOPHIE would sound like (especially lyrically) ugh I think it would be so beautiful and emotional
  16. everything sounds SO bland and uninspired in comparison to SOPHIE. i've always found since i become a huge SOPHIE fan in 2017/2018, "normal" music has never really given me the excitement/satisfaction that SOPHIE/charli/PC music's has, but I feel it more than ever right now...
  17. is there a source that specified it was from a tree? i've only read that she "slipped and fell" but there was never an explanation of where she was
  18. i literally went through the EXACT same situation. my first exposure to her was weirdly bitch i'm madonna, and i was OBSESSED with the infectious and boundary-pushing production and it's been an amazing journey ever since
  19. to me SOPHIE and charli are so connected this feels twice as painful, i'm losing one of my favourite artists and my other favourite artist (charli) lost her biggest inspiration. i fear for charli's acknowledgement of the death, it's still so early in LA she might be sleeping and i'm breaking for her already
  20. i feel like she's definitely lost some of her artistic control, whether it's because she chose to let her team make decisions for her or because they are forcing her i just find it INSANE to believe that someone like 2011 gaga would pick bloodpops generic ass beats over SOPHIE and boys noize... like i genuinely feel like bloodpop has brainwashed her into being solely reliant on him as a producer despite him being mediocore..
  21. not you directly attacking me
  22. i may be biased, but i think WGFU is one of charli's best songs, it's simple but SO catchy, kinda like no angel i think it could fit BEAUTIFULLY on ANY of charli's projects since VV tbh it never gets old
  23. @LMAlejandro your edit of this is the moment is so good you should post the full
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