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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. not gonna lie, i don't quite like the conversation surrounding her getting older and becoming "boring", a "soccer mom" and a "country grandma" just because she takes a more mellow and mature approach to her sound, i would actually agree that i'd love for her to try different things and experiment more, especially after blue banisters, which i felt like was very lacking, but at what point are we going to just accept the fact that she's grown and changed and we're not going to get the 2011-2015 lana back? it's really sad that people are so afraid and disgusted by a middle-aged woman who acts like a typical middle-aged woman, she's not 25 anymore, it would be silly if she were to start singing about cocaine and co-dependency like she was a decade ago honestly it really bothers me how people get so upset how she isn't "sexy" or "edgy" anymore, she doesn't have to be any of those things at this point if she'd rather sing about other subjects, if it really is that bothersome to you, just listen to somebody else or just listen to her old music?
  2. i have this habit of squinting my eyes sometimes while browsing lanaboards out of fear that somebody had randomly posted scat
  3. somebody making a random "leak crazy for you!" post is NOT what causes somebody to break into her house/car
  4. do you have any scat to post or something? nobody's taking anything you're saying seriously because you're either being completely ridiculous or a troll
  5. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    i haven't heard it but everybody else has said that she's in the background and hardly noticeable
  6. when i saw the title of this thread all i thought of was @PatentLeatherDoOver lol
  7. somebody needs to tell her managers about this, that's so messed up and creepy
  8. Dark Angel

    Taylor Swift

    did she really use the phrase “sexy baby” on one of her songs from this album?
  9. the fact that this debate had people GENUINELY BELIEVING that if somebody didn’t get vaccinated for covid-19 that they should be locked-up and thrown in jail until they decide to get the vaccine, that was so fucking ridiculous and honestly very concerning i actually never got the vaccine because around the time it was new and largely discussed i was deep into my intense anxiety disorder and couldn’t leave the house, and now i just don’t know if there’s a point to it because it’s been so long and i feel like the attitude towards covid-19 is shifting (which i know is probably not a great reason not to do something) but i don’t necessarily believe it’s dangerous, i’m actually extremely pro-vax generally, like, i 100% believe that you should get your kids vaccinated for all the things you usually get vaccinated for, but the fact that people couldn’t even ask questions or be doubtful about this NEW vaccine without people completely shutting them down and attacking them for being ”anti-vaxxers” was really concerning to see and likely a symptom of everybody’s insatiable need to be “correct” instead of looking at certain subjects/issues with balance and common-sense instead of saying what everybody else was saying without any actual thought going into it, that’s not to say that people should go around spreading disinformation, but people should be allowed to ask questions, have doubts, and ultimately, make their own decisions regarding the vaccine but i’d like to clarify that this does not mean i support baseless conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine such as the government implanting microchips into people, that shit was dumb
  10. i feel like the discussion surrounding the morality of leaks is a bit complex, i do agree that you’ll just have to make your own decisions surrounding it, we really shouldn’t have to rely on leakers to tell us what’s okay to listen to or not because who really knows what’s coming out of this hack, and it really should be up to you, and it is true that nearly every leaked song was obtained through shady, or even illegal means, a large majority of 2007-2011 songs which leaked during 2012, 2013, and 2014 came from somebody hacking her laptop, but i doubt that people are going to stop listening to them, some songs don’t have a clear source, but that doesn’t mean they were obtained ethically or just randomly appeared out of thin air i feel like for me, i’m still going to listen to all of the unreleased songs i love, but i think i’ll stay away from things that are obviously very recent, but if something old leaks, there’s nothing that’s really going to stop me from listening to it and saving it to my collection, but at the same time, there’s no way to know for sure if a random song from 2012, 2015, 2017, whatever it may be, didn’t come from her laptop, but i doubt crazy for you and sugary sweet because we’ve known about those songs for years i feel like we’ve just gotta make our own decisions and rules, but honestly, we’re all probably a little guilty at different levels, i can’t sit around and act like i haven’t participate heavily in leak threads, or that i haven’t tried scraping the internet for new lizzy grant photos, but that’s all definitely part of the culture here, i think we should all try to re-evaluate how we go about these things and be more conscious about it
  11. alternatively some people believe drew erickson got hacked and that’s how we got the strings version of beautiful
  12. it’s hard to say, most of them seem to be from past eras, ranging from 2012-2017, but we really can’t know for sure, it’s possible the snippets for fingertips, there’s a tunnel under ocean boulevard, and country roads could be a part of this since they’re so recent
  13. charli xcx has a shit-ton of leaks
  14. her managers or her team could’ve told her
  15. that’s a really depressing thought honestly
  16. i’ve been thinking about a couple of posts i made earlier, i seemed to take a relaxed, and honestly, irresponsible position regarding the possibility of leaks because of this, and i shouldn’t have done that, lana is probably feeling very scared, violated, upset, and probably feels very crushed and hopeless because it’s become such a problem to the point where her entire, 200-page book was stolen and she may never get back that hard work and effort that she poured her heart into i shouldn’t be saying anything regarding potential leaks or acting like i don’t care and will listen anyway because right now is just simply not the right time, this post reminded me of that and i wanted to say something and clarify and apologize for carrying that attitude at any degree, we shouldn’t be thinking about the potential songs that could come out of this i feel like it would be ideal if nothing leaked for a good while, even if it’s some old 2009 demos, or old photos, we just need to respect lana and perhaps re-evaluate how we thinking about these particular things, especially since majority of new/leaked material are obtained shadily, it isn’t often that things are just randomly found online, and we have so much material already, we’ve gotta be grateful for what we already have
  17. i wouldn’t listen to anything that’s obviously intended for official release (i haven’t listened to snow on the beach) and i certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to view any personal family footage if that is to ever come out, but i don’t see why i couldn’t listen to a random leak from 2012 and save it to my library… which i actually can’t even do that right now because my laptop finally died, but people here all of the sudden acting like they’re above all leaks is really silly to me
  18. wow… you are so brave for saying this i can’t even be mad
  19. the rest of the midnights album has leaked, if this were a demo, we’d have the “final” by now
  20. the camcorder footage contained footage of her family and friends that she wanted to use for a project
  21. there must be a reason why she’s bringing it up right now, though, some people think she’s being blackmailed
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