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Dark Angel

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Everything posted by Dark Angel

  1. i hope she'll be able to recover, it really goes to show how frail life and health can be, it can so easily be taken away, and it doesn't matter who you are either, i can't imagine how she must feel, especially considering she has young children who still need their mom </3
  2. sorry, but no... i think we're starting to lose sight of what country music is
  3. i really want to know what that dress looked like in color
  4. b, i think, i believe it has the most lana del rey songs out of any other letter, or, at least, it's close edit: or maybe c
  5. Dark Angel

    The Sims

    hot take but... sims 3 sims really aren't that ugly and it's actually quite easy to make cute female sims i prefer them over the silly cartoonish sims 4 sims
  6. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    serene queen vs. prom song (gone wrong)
  7. boy, i like your ivy lies from dance for money just touches my soul for some reason
  9. not gonna lie... i honestly don't believe people should feel obligated to vote (in the presidential election)... i know my opinion's probably pretty unpopular, but i just don't get why people believe it's our duty as american citizens to vote, maybe in the past, voting for the president and who won mattered more, in a different way, but i wouldn't blame anybody for choosing not to vote because both options suck in different ways and i feel like regardless of who wins, nothing will change or improve obviously it's still optional regardless, but it seems like people believe it's morally wrong or irresponsible not to vote but i feel like it shouldn't be wrong to not vote, and honestly not voting could be seen as casting your vote, in a way, especially since we only get to choose between two candidates (you could say there's all of the alternative parties, but let's be real, they're never going to win, so i can understand why people don't bother) and it seems more and more obvious that no matter who wins, nothing will fundamentally change, especially since our society is struggling so much right now, i don't trust either biden or trump to help
  10. amazon and tiktok joining together sounds like a dystopian hell
  11. biden and trump AGAIN... we are literally so doomed also, i have to agree that banning tiktok instead of focusing on literally other issue going on in america right now is foolish and ultimately isn't really helping anybody, and i say that as somebody who strongly dislikes tiktok, we should be taking care of much more important matters, such as gun violence, the housing crisis, etc.
  12. $1,562 for a black turtleneck sweater with a brooch on it designer fashion is such a scam
  13. every word in a song's title should start with a capital letter, even words like to, the, and, etc. otherwise it just doesn't look right to me
  14. it appears gramma (blue ribbon sparkler trailer heaven) is on it
  15. Dark Angel

    Song vs. Song

    swan song vs. old money
  16. Dark Angel

    Trash Magic

    i hear comfort inn clearly enough in the studio version, in the live version, she makes a p sound but i still believe it's comfort inn because it makes enough sense and she could've just got her words mixed up during the live performance
  17. Dark Angel

    Honey Gentry

    honeydew is what hot, hazy summer air and green summer foliage sounds like
  18. she is literally so effortless, and me, i'm lucky if i get 1 decent selfie per year
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