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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Nice videos of Italians singing out their windows with each other https://twitter.com/leonardocarella/status/1238511612270690305
  2. Barry

    Kayja Rose

    https://soundcloud.com/kayja-nicholerose https://www.instagram.com/ggoldencurlss/ Thought I would post her as some people might like her.
  3. I watched this a couple of days ago I know people seem not to like Joe Rogan, any time I see him trending on social media people are calling him republican, far right, racist, transphobic and stuff yet i've probably watched 100s of his podcasts and he always comes across pretty fair, he is also not a republican and considers himself left wing and has never voted for them, one of his daughters is black, considers his parents hippies. He is pretty chill and not very political at all mostly speaks about monkeys, robots, dmt, weed, aliens, jiu-jitsu, mma, comedy, hunting, health, fitness, science and like dna, aging, supplements and medical things relating to finess and recovery and living longer. Anyway that guest who is an infectious disease expert said that he could go home tonight and make a vaccine, its easy to make vaccines but they need to be tested and approved and it usually takes over a year. He then gave an example which I forgot but it was a vaccine for some illness a while ago that ended up the antibodies made the virus much much worse for some people and thats why they take longer to approve as they need to be tested on like 50,000 people. Pretty interesting.
  4. I listened to the new Don Toliver album but nothing really worth listening to, disappointing.
  5. Went to the same place today and still no pasta or hand sanitizer Europe, Scotland and England also suspended all football until who knows when
  6. Free Pornhub Premium for people in Italy lol
  7. Yeah the worst thing seems to be that so many people especially older people will need hospitalized but there is not enough room in hospitals for everyone who will need it and not enough hospital staff to deal with a full hospital - so not everyone will be able to get good treatment or enough treatment which will cause deaths, thats why countries are starting to close down so it slows down the spread of it and means not as many people will need to go to hospital at the same time.
  8. Buy it now if you want it as the same might happen where you are next week. I didnt actually think it would be that bad since only like 50 people have had it in Scotland but everyone has still bought all the soap and pasta and toilet paper and everything lol
  9. I just went shopping and went in 4 shops (Iceland, Home Bargains, Asda and Morrisons if you are in the UK) and there was ZERO pasta in any of them 1 actually did have some pasta but it was Spinach pasta and kind of green/brown coloured so I just left it. There was also only bars of soap left, no like bottle soap you press the top and no hand sanitizer either. I also noticed there was no long life milk either only long life coconut and those types of milk. There was also none of that kitchen surface spray bottle stuff, I wanted that and no places had it only bleach was really left.
  10. It's apparantly really easy to make vaccines it's just they need to test them and test them again and again and again on 10s of thousands of people and monitor them for a while before they can fully release them. It's because sometimes the vaccines don't work right and cause the virus to become worse which has happened before so most likely a vaccine has already been made that will work but really they don't like to release them for a long time until they know they are ok for everyone.
  11. I would normally be happy with it to but im a Celtic fan and we are going for our 9th League title in a row and also this would be our 4th season in a row of winning the "Treble"(all 3 domestic trophies) so im panicking that they could stop the season and ruin it for us
  12. I don't understand the panic buying either, either you are going to die from it or you are going to not get it and be fine or get it and be fine, so you don't need any more stuff than you normally do.
  13. People saying the UK will move to "Phase 2" tomorrow shutting schools, sporting events and large gatherings and stuff
  14. Biden doesn't even look right to me, he looks like a frail old man who you wouldn't trust to cook his own dinner. How are people voting for him?
  15. Barry


    His new video for Godzilla ft Juice Wrld, directed by Cole Bennet who is a young video director who gained fame by making videos for soundcloud rappers and young up coming rappers.
  16. Barry

    Jhené Aiko

    I also liked these two
  17. Barry

    Jhené Aiko

    Im listening to it just now, this is my favourite so far
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