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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Is This Happiness 1. I Love You 2. Hollywood Hills 3. High 4. Fucking Crazy 5. Heart to Heart 6. Betrayal 7. Violet Pills 8. Gun On The Table 9. Wish You Well
  2. The Lil Nas X one is crazy, nominated for AOTY but not nominated for Rap Album of the Year it has 7 songs on it and 2 of the songs are the same song with different features
  3. Is there a "higher class" music awards than the Grammys? like one that doesn't really bother about popularity and is seen as more of a music purists thing?
  4. Barry

    Lil Peep

    The album is out https://open.spotify.com/album/1r1Xt6oUnY3VMYbQb1U7CO?si=DduIIQ_xRUqgvjF0h9O0Wg Good to finally have "witchblades" on streaming platforms
  5. I didn't like albums until I got into Lana
  6. I did mention after that I am against farming just for fur/skin, they should only use whats available and left over from animals that are ate. I just think if the governments came out and said plastic in clothing was to be outlawed and made illegal it would be a good thing however if they came out and said fur it wouldn't make sense to me since it is a natural material not doing any harm. It would need to be done right like no farming just for the fur or skin, plastic clothing can just never be done right it's always causing damage to me anyway. I do eat meat and I don't have a problem with it, I feel thats what we are mainly supposed to eat and probably what we evolved eating. Most grain etc we eat now has only been farmed for thousands of years at most and things like fruit and vegetables were seasonal things people probably only ate now and again where as meat was always available and probably the main food people ate. I don't think everyone could not eat meat even if they did billions of animals would still die, think of all the extra land needed for faming pushing animals out of place closer to cities and towns were they will be hit by cars and trains then all the rabbits, squirrels, moles, mice, rats, birds, foxes, hedgehogs etc that are squashed up in farming machinery every day if everyone was vegan it would be like 25x more.
  7. Yeah that is a problem, I would say if you are killing animals for food then you can use the skin but I wouldn't like to allow killing them for the skin only and definitely not skinning or boiling them alive. China is still mostly very poor which is why their treatment of animals is worse as peoples way of life is much worse also. We think nothing that a lot of stuff we buy is made in China were workers are like slaves making our computers, phones and clothing.
  8. Why do people really think this though. If we were outlawing things based on helping the environment surely using animal products would be a good thing, there is no downside to it - it already exists and you barely have to do anything to it to turn it to clothes you don't even need machinery if you don't want. Faux fur is much worse than real fur, it's plastic and causes severe pollution to make and then disgard of - it makes no sense to me how the bad thing is seen as good and the good thing is seen as bad here.
  9. I don't get it either although it's a complicated issue, surely the best way to live would be to use natural materials like animal fur and skin for clothes since it's already there rather than plastics or other materials it causes pollution to make but somehow fur is controversial as is reptile skin although nobody really cares about leather. Same as some people have a problem if people are eating Bear or Crocodile but don't care about Chickens or Cows even though there is no difference. People also have a problem with hunting yet don't care about animal farming despite hunting surely being far more ethical as then animals live their entire lives free in the wild. People will drive cars drinking out of their plastic cups, using their phones to tweet about someone wearing fur like it's outrageous.
  10. I think Lana knows Jay-Z though, I remember when he released his album 4:44 he previewed it at a listening party in LA to get peoples feedback and opinions and Lana was one of only like 10-15 people there.
  11. Barry

    Lil Peep

    https://open.spotify.com/album/2MjV1lZHkrNuPiyOOwJBTf?si=X7B9AGJCT3qQtm2b7GZBtQ Goth Angel Sinner was released @@baddisease @@bunoner @@TRENCH @ @@asreponosim @CmonDownToFL
  12. Really good interview or talk, i'd like Lana to have brought up hip-hop though, especially Atlanta rappers since she knows people and so does he as Elton John lives there and is a big fan of Gucci Mane and Young Thug but i've never heard him speaking about it. Would have been interesting to find out what he really knows and who else he is a fan of.
  13. Did you see he dissed Halsey in his new song? “When I said it’s her and I, that shit was a lie”
  14. Sounds like a bad idea but we don't know if it was her who suggested it, if it was him though its a bad sign.
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