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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Barry

    Azealia Banks

    Thats the first time i've ever heard one of her songs and I liked it
  2. Ok, i've not seen it. Im quite new here
  3. Yes its a real question I was just thinking about it there seeing her with other people all the time now, I honestly dont know? now I feel bad asking
  4. What happened to her friend/assistant Stella? she used to be everywhere with her for like 3/4 years but I don't think i've seen them together for about 1 year?
  5. Barry

    Twitter Updates

    I think her main point was to tell Lana to shut up and call her priveleged but it turned into a mess and she also just personally attacked her family which just ruined anything she said and made her look stupid. She tried to put Lana down saying she is only relevant as she is white and priveleged and shouldn't have any say in liberal politics or whatever. She could have done it a lot better and actually made a good point, she could have said Lana doesn't know how it feels to come from the bottom etc having grownup with rich and stable parents and been afforded the luxury of being able to spend as much time as she wanted trying to become a singer and whatever as her parents were rich and she didn't have to worry about her future much and likely had money from them to pay for housing as she lived in New York for 5+ years trying to make it and how Azalea herself could never have done that or had it so easy. She could have actually said Lana was "fake woke" or stuff and actually has more in common with Donald Trump and Kanye than she does with regular people - only problem is Azalea actually seems to be on the side of Trump herself lol So yeah who really knows what she is trying to say. I think yu are right in that she just wants to get close with Kanye for publicity and money, is possibly a little mentally unstable and just struggling in general to remain relevant and make money and thinks being controversial will get her that.
  6. Barry

    Twitter Updates

    To be honest there is truth to that as well the only wrong part is the racial stuff. Poor Chinese people or Russian people have more in common with poor white people and poor black people in America and poor Mexicans than poor black Americans do with rich black Americans. The problem isn't race it's rich and poor but the problem does exist. It comes about a lot from race and religion, that is why many minorities are poor because people tend to stick to their own race or religion or did 50-100+ years ago, which meant a lot of blacks or irish or mexicans or others ended up in the poor neighbourhoods. Nowadays there isnt really much of a racial or religious divide but it still lingers from long ago leaving most of these people on the poorer side where it is very difficult to get out of that. So I can see her point there she just doesn't tell the full picture or doesn't know and the bringing in the looks or family of Lana is just stupid and she shouldn't be doing that.
  7. Barry

    Twitter Updates

    I actually do think it might be now, I assumed before it was just about those type of girls in clubs who are only interested in getting with rich guys and kind of ignored everyone else and Lana was singing it from the point of view of watching them and thinking it was kind of a sad thing to be doing but I also wondered what all the hip-hop references were about in the song aand thought it may have been like her knowing ASAP Rocky and other rappers and seeing how desperate girls become around them in nightclubs trying to get with them. I don't really know anything about Azalea Banks, i've never heard a song of hers and until now I didnt even know she was a rapper I thought she was a singer but now I could see why people think it's about her - this is the first i've heard people think it's about her but it would fit.
  8. Whats actually wrong with Brazil? they seem to have a lot of political problems and people revolting but how did it happen. I thought Brazil had enough like lower class and poor people that they would be a very socialist and liberal country but it doesnt seem like that?
  9. Same, I really like songs with piano in them even though a lot do sound similar they some how trick you into liking them. I like the one on the recent Nicki Minaj album called Come See About Me, Is This Happiness from Lana, Everytime by Britney Spears even the Chief Keef song Letter is nice to me even though it's a very simple song the piano just makes it good
  10. Tupac was a big fan of Kate Bush I think Tupac is one of the most underrated and understood people in recent decades in music. He was smart as fuck, politically aware, went to art schools. Some of his music is the greatest of all time and he was taken far too soon at age 25.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06j9QR7XjLA
  12. They're from my City, I hadn't heard of them for a long time but seen them on TV here in the UK a few days ago doing a new song.
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