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Everything posted by Tristesse

  1. I still do not believe those are connected but hey, we're free to see things the way we want
  2. You did not understand my point at all, sadly. I may have not made it clear enough. My point was, and still is, that the use of the term "colonize" in a poem has absolutely nothing to do with any of these issues. Because a word has multiple significations. You are absolutely off-topic since the beginning and fighting an imaginary enemy. It is NOT "referencing native american issues". You clearly do not know how to read and to interpret things. It is bad. English may not be your first english (it is not mine either), but there is no excuse for trying to making me look like I actually support colonization. You do not have to do this if you do not agree with my point which has absolutly nothing to do with supporting/condemning/ackowledging colonization.
  3. Ugh. There is absolutly no impact here. It is intellectually untenable to prohibit poetry (and literature in general) from using certain words on the pretext that they designate, in their primary meaning, historical or current facts that would offend the persons concerned. I know that I am supposed to provide arguments here to support my point of view, but it is really difficult because I find it so absurd that such things have to be demonstrated. The most dramatic thing is that here the word that offends you is "colonization", a word that is part of the history of all human populations without exception (because all of them have colonized or have been colonized), but especially because this word has long been used in a figurative sense. Its use is in no way linked to any crime whatsoever, nor is it a word that it would be unfortunate to use in relation to people who would suffer today from the evils that accompany a process of colonization - whether you like it or not. I would have understood the hesitation if she had made an express reference to crimes related to colonization, but here this is not the case at all. There is in your arguments an unfortunate mixture of illiteracy and confusion in your political commitments. You have never been colonized in the slightest, and if you were, you would have much more reason to be offended than bad poetry, which has nothing to do with it.
  4. You guys are gross. Are you seriously photoshopping her face to look like it was when she was 20 pounds lighter ? g r o s s
  5. Do you even know what poetry is...
  6. Tristesse

    Lady Gaga

    reset ? lol It's nothing original
  7. Our tastes still differ, obviously. I think it's a mistake to call a production "subpar" as if it were something objectively quantifiable on a certain scale. It's an art that we're talking about here: there is no such thing as a perfect production in the absolute, it wouldn't make sense in that it's not an end in itself. This kind of argument reminds me of those made in the 19th century by the defenders of the academic style against the nascent impressionist movement: visible brushstrokes, garish colours... Nothing to do with the impeccable precision of classical paintings. Because in the end, whether in painting or music, it is not the so-called perfection of the production that counts, but the emotions transmitted. A more messy medium, which looks less worked but in fact is just as much or even more worked, can bring a lot of depth to a music. That's precisely what I like about NFR. That impeccable minimalism, the balance between silence and instruments that yet gives a warm and rich sound. The relative imperfection you criticize in the album, to me, it creates more closeness between the listener and the music, as if I was in the studio with them. It brings me closer to the emotions. In short, what an incredible album.
  8. Uuuh, what an amazing album, though. The production is of great refinement. I can't believe my fave just paved the way for a new decade of music just like she did almost 10 years ago. I'm a privileged white male by the way
  9. Even the world's best doctor cannot cure a flu lol
  10. Attend, on peut retourner la chose : dire à RormanNockwell qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec ses opinions tranchées, ça fait aussi partie de la discussion, non ? Du coup, c'est tout aussi ridicule de s'attaquer à KingJay parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec ses opinions tout aussi tranchées ? En soi, pour moi, cet argument veut juste dévier du sujet initial, et c'est dommage. Quand je publie que Rorman est particulièrement obsédé par la vie personnelle de son idole qu'il juge à travers un sectarisme politique particulièrement malsain, ça fait tout autant partie de la discussion. Et je ne veux faire taire personne ici, ça alimente la discussion. Aussi, rien à voir mais, c'est terrible d'avoir l'impression de "partir en guerre" quand on n'est pas d'accord avec quelqu'un. On ne fait que de discuter. Quel ennui d'être toujours d'accord !
  11. Hahaha ça oui on en aura pour un moment si on s'accuse de sophisme à chaque fois
  12. Ah, ad hominem! Exactly what we needed
  13. This type of comment is so ugly intellectually. Shame
  14. I was about to answer in French but it's not the right place for it and you are far too stubborn for it to be worth it. Keep in mind that your opinions do not offend anyone but seeing them on every page is annoying
  15. Comment c'est possible d'avoir un melon pareil à pondre des romans pour défendre ton droit de donner ton avis qui, tu l'admets toi-même, n'intéressent personne ? Alors que tout ce qu'on te dit c'est qu'au final c'est lourdingue de lire la même chose chaque page, que ça n'apporte plus rien et que t'as eu le temps de te mordre la queue au moins une trentaine de fois. Sinon, personne ne t'a jamais demandé de te taire. Le pire c'est que y a eu juste deux ou trois personnes (grand max) qui ont osé te dire que c'est quand même un poil chiant alors que la plupart des membres ici approuvent tes posts. Et t'en fais une affaire d'état comme si on voulait te mettre au silence car on déteste la diversité d'opinions. Mais quelle blague putain. Grandis un peu. Ton attitude n'a rien de celle d'un intellectuel averti, tu ne fais que de chouiner.
  16. Ride MV is her worst, period. It aged like raw milk. Honeymoon, NFR, White Mustang may be pointless, but they're far less cringey.
  17. banned for thinking having only two front teeth is fucked up. btw I too have only two front teeth, which ppl never notice anyway
  18. banned for being from sweden... do you even know what daylight is ? smh clown country
  19. Omg criiiiiiiiiiinge @ the whole show. Who even is Kacey Mustard? It all looks so forced lol. Lana sounded nice though
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