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Everything posted by bored

  1. I would love another 16 track record, BTD (15), UV (16), HM (14) and LFL (16) proves that she can produce extensive and cohesive projects, I genuinely believe that LFL is a great record, I just wish they'd revised the tracklist more thoroughly.
  2. bored

    Charli XCX

    Like it baffles me that people still believe that XCX3 was gonna be her career defining moment... If it had've been released it would've charted top 20, scraped top 10 in the UK if it was lucky. It's biggest hit would've been ATAP or Boys, both only just making top 30. And I know she was mad at the label at the time, but she has grown so much as an artist since Vroom Vroom and N1A, so if they had've released XCX3 in 2017 it would've felt like a major step back. She's tried her best to develop as an artist whilst keeping fans happy (dropping NA and GNO etc), but people still seem to be unhappy with her output.
  3. bored

    Charli XCX

    But she does hate promo, she legit said it herself. And who's to say she isn't happy, she's dropping new music and having fun. Just because she hasn't released R&R or Taxi, doesn't mean she hates her contract and wants to be freed And why move to an experimental label, when she's clearly making good money as an artist and a writer with Atlantic... plus she has more opportunities signed to a major, like the Rep tour.
  4. bored

    Charli XCX

    I don't think there's any point in her trying to get out of her contract with Atlantic, what is the chance of her getting signed to another major label and having success? She's kinda already admitted that she can't sing and she's not really a streaming force and chart smashing artist. At least with Atlantic she's releasing some form of music whether that be mixtapes or singles. Plus in the BBC documentary she said she hates promo etc. So she probably enjoys just dropping singles and mixtapes on streaming services, rather than launching an album campaign... Who's to say it is just the label that doesn't want to release the album. (although it would be nice for more music videos and stuff) I think the monthly drops were never intended to lead up to a project, I think she just dropped some new tracks for promo before the Rep tour and then chucked out No Angel and GNO for the fans, so she could catch a break. Would a headline tour even be successful? I remember when she toured the UK in 2014 for Sucker, doing academies and Uni bars etc. And I don't think she sold out or anything, I get her fanbase has grown since then, but her label probably don't see enough commercial appeal or value to launch a solo tour, especially if there's no intention to release an album.
  5. I'd love Yosemite to be the closing track of this record, it's obviously very dear to her... And even if she's still not quite in that space, she's a step closer and would be a nice notion to carry into the future releases (like Get Free)
  6. I think it might just be water... I'd kinda love that though, it's pure and free, could also represent her cleansing herself and accepting the natural self. I also think water / beaches are important to her (as an escapism thing, HBTB, 13 Beaches etc.) and there's a lot of references to water in the song and the video for MAC. Plus LFL ended with the sound of waves crashing and birds...
  7. The more I listen to MAC, the more it feels like she's asking her fans for acceptance before she starts her new journey... "And who I am is a big time believer that people can change, but you don't have to leave her".
  8. For me her transition from Lana Del Rey back into Elizabeth, tells a story on it's own, one that's perhaps more important than the stories Lana Del Rey the persona would be telling in 2018. I think Lana has always been a misfit and has searched for validation (mainly from men, feeling needed to the point where she saw herself as a possession rather than a human). And gradually she has realised has grown and began to find herself, most likely through her difficult relationships and having to make decisions that wouldn't only affect her but others. With Lust For Life, her sentiment was there, she wanted to prove a point and show that there was more to her than "the sad girl" she'd been labelled; and I do believe for a while she was comfortable with that label (cos she was accepted as that). Personally Lust For Life wasn't perfect, but who is? Lana has only ever written songs about love and hopeless romance and she finally had the confidence to reflect upon herself and her past (touched upon in Honeymoon) and then took it a step further commenting on the world and political climate. Yeah, some of the lyrics were clunky but it was a new topic for her lyrically. Lust For Life really felt like an introduction to Elizabeth, even the space / witchcraft imagery showed glimpses of her personality. And the songs like Change and Get Free really showed growth and I'm beyond excited for this new era... (ps. sorry about the essay, just wanted to share my thoughts)
  9. Part of me is glad that this doesn't sound like anything from BTD to LFL, cos that shows artistic growth, however I think the Lana Del Rey persona has been getting slowly removed from every project since Ultraviolence and it is inevitable at this point... I understand your concern but just embrace it, she's finally comfortable enough to be herself and explore new things and no longer feels like she has to hide behind a persona or character. The sentiments of the songs are very much the same, just a new perspective.
  10. I think the only lead single I haven't immediately connected to or enjoyed was Love, even when it leaked I was hoping it wasn't the lead and just an album track haha. And I wouldn't worry about Lana going country (just yet), this is very much in the same vein as her other works, almost a hybrid of them all (unreleased included). I don't think there is any proof of Sylvia existing, just word of mouth at this point. However I believe multiple fans who attended the show that night mentioned it and that's why it became credible.
  11. I really hope one day we get a documentary or book from Lana herself to talk about her career, it's interesting to me that she spent so many years constructing the persona of Lana Del Rey (lyrically, sonically and visually) to gradually take it apart record-by-record and eventually return to her natural self. I'd love to know the thought processes and reasoning behind it all...
  12. I don't know why but I'm seeing something evergreen (as a metaphor) so maybe something like ivy? (obviously not a flower) I really am excited to see the visual direction she takes with this record.
  13. I also think that all her albums are of great quality... That being said, Lust For Life had some questionable lyrical and production choices (for me personally) - songs like Coachella, God Bless America and BPBP didn't meet the standards of her earlier work, again this is just my opinion aha. Then of course Happiness Is A Butterfly was teased and again, personally I felt that the track seemed weak compared to her other albums.
  14. She mentioned it January of this year (working with Jack since December 2017) at the Grammy awards, at that time it didn't belong to a record but hopefully it will make an appearance. So Happiness Is A Butterfly was a fully formed song in March and we're assuming the Mariners Apartment Complex visual is repurposed footage from the HIAB music video? I wonder what made her change her mind about the release? Assuming that if she was still intending to release the track, the video would have been released at a later date, kinda like when High By The Beach replaced Music To Watch Boys To as the lead single from Honeymoon. Since she unarchived the snippet on Instagram I think it is likely that that track will appear on the record, but presumably it's been reworked... Lyrically it doesn't seem on par with MAC.
  15. Yes, I am pleased she's decided to make music for herself again (it's when she shines most), I do believe Lust For Life had a couple of songs like Get Free, that she had written for herself, but the "music for my fans" didn't work out as I expected.
  16. I personally love that logo and always have, since Video Games (although I do like the block letter logo used up until Lust For Life) - it's most likely just because the visuals, logos and album cover haven't been finalised yet?
  17. After hearing Mariners Apartment Complex, Lust For Life seems like an essential stepping stone or bridging of the gap between Honeymoon and the new record. However ending Honeymoon with Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood and opening the new record with "you took my sadness out of context" would've been a concept.
  18. bored

    Charli XCX

    I'd rather have BIOYL than 1999 so...
  19. Also if Yosemite was on the album then is already her most iconic tracklist... like damn, those titles! Bartender Mariners Apartment Complex Sylvia Talking Like An Answering Machine Venice Bitch Yosemite
  20. I'm worried that 2019 seems too long away for her to start dropping music now... I can't take another LFL situation. Where she gets bored and decided to switch up the direction of the album! Half expecting to hear MAC and then silence until summer 2019, teasing Venice Bitch in every interview and then she drops her second single, a cheap trap beat produced by Rick with the original Venice Bitch video looped over it and then we wait for it to leak
  21. Watch that be the album title and cover Also perhaps we're getting MAC and a second song, then VB is the 2nd single and that's coming later... That could also explain what Chuck meant about a video series? Kinda how WC and SOC were released with a continuing music video but WC was the lead and SOC was a buzz track. Then UV was released as the 2nd single.
  22. If there is a song called Marina Del Rey I am dying 01. Marina Del Rey (Lana Del Rey feat. Marina) 02. Mariners Apartment Complex 03. Venice Bitch 04. Happiness Is A Butterfly - Sing It For My Babies On The Tour Lyfe 05. Bartender 06. Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind (Part 2)
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