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Posts posted by Ceremonials

  1. Has anybody heard anything about their vinyls???

    I ordered mine in October and it said they would ship mid December but now the website says January 2020.

    I’m quite irritated ...

    i'm not sure if Columbia uses them but I remember seeing an article somewhere about a major record pressing company having issues and being super behind


    edit it's sony and not columbia that the orchard is an imprint of

  2. nasty cherry is honestly such a brilliant industry plant idea i’m not surprised netflix picked it up, it just sucks that this is the state of the music industry and charli just making an album isn’t what cuts it anymore. Like she’s peaked as an individual artist

  3. isn't nasty cherrys distributor vroom vroom recordings? which charli owns?

    vroom vroom is an atlantic sub, sub labels get funding based on what they are pitched

  4. girl you know damn well she's not making that much from this project and once it inevitably flops she won't get any money from netflix ever again.. the fact that a times square billboard costs over a million for a minute of advertisement... shes been on her clown shit with money

    y’all clowns if you really think she’s actually spending a dime of her own money for this, the distributor always pays for the billboard lol

  5. I don't like artists being called a copy of someone else but I can definitely see this :toofunny:

    this whole thing is so amusing because it’s charli’s brain child so sky really cannot say anything about it lol but honestly sky’s aesthetic is just cherie currie and basically any alt girl from the past 50 years

  6. I’m not asking this in a sarcastic/to be a bitch way, but why does she only have one album? I was pretty into Sky for a while when NTMT came out and then I kinda forgot about her until she popped up in Charli’s song, why hasn’t she made another album? Or is she making one or...? Basically someone give me the tea, I’m interested

    it’s either her label or lyme disease depending on the day, sometimes it’s “ i just want to to be perfect “. Honestly i get the vibe that she’s insecure about her music and afraid to actually put it out and she’s lost all her momentum so her label isn’t pushing her either

  7. What could be this "big announcement" Charli is going to be releasing soon?

    in her instagram description she says it’s about her and nasty cherry.... so nasty cherry music or the netflix reality show

  8. look at me now is soooooo stunning and gorgeous. literally pang is going to replace charli as my favorite album of the year i can feel it. the songs released are just so next level and each one is equally excellent to me.


    i haven’t listened to any of her chairlift stuff ....what do y’all recommend?


  9. Y'all are kidding me right now?? I ain't afraid to brave the gays and talk about how good Charli is! :toofunny: :toofunny:


    Seriously though, I was talking with a couple friends of mine recently about Charli, and they're pretty into music like I am... musicians... like music enthusiasts right? And I mentioned that I was a big fan, and one of them was saying how he "wasn't into everything she does" but still he was all like "yeah, she's badass" and I was just like "ahhh hah! YESSS...."


    Honestly, most people just need to get over the whole "pop music is trash" mindset that leads to hating on women (especially) in the pop industry and whatnot. There's so much baseless hate on Charli's videos, for no reason, it's stupid. It's very obvious to me that she has layers of talent, is a risk taker, and is a multi-faceted figure in the music industry. And as a straight dude, I shouldn't have to feel ashamed to talk about it, especially if she just so happens to have a large LGBTQ+ following... it doesn't freaking matter.


    So many people are just stuck in the past... and they think they know music, and they quickly chime in with their loud, baseless opinions, but they honestly don't get it... and it pisses me off.... Charli is a freaking ROCK STAR, and no, not "rock star" in the sense where it's all a bunch of loud guitars and drums and "REAL VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS ONLYYYY, AHHHHH" -- people miss the point. She's BEYOND that, unlike most people apparently... And then people are quick to say "rock is dead." -- yeah, it's dead in a TRADITIONAL sense where the sound has gone completely stale, but it's alive and well if you just transcend beyond the meaning of what you THINK "rock and roll" is... step outside the freaking box, ya know? Like, when I try to make sense as to why Charli isn't even bigger than she is, this is a huge reason why, IMO...


    Music is progressing. People are not... ( /rant -- not directed at anyone here... )

    ehhhh as someone in the 25 range, i feel like more of us were into her in 2012/2013 and then felt like she fell off or her current sound doesn’t align with ours. Like she came out when i was starting to get really into the rave scene (2010/2011) but she’s not linked to it anymore, just the really odd bloodless version of it that really targets 18yr olds and younger.


    Like hate to say it but teenagers that have never been to actual diy raves think a charli xcx show is a rave. Like she had her after party in La at fucking heav3n which was created for and by dollskill instagram cherry emoji teenie bops. Like my perspective might be unique but,,, she’s not as experimental as most of you people make her out to be, she’s good yes, but the hallmarks of top 40 pop music are prominent ( and still good ).

  10. I'm wondering.. If XCX World never leaked, where would Charli be right now? Where would we be right now? Pop 2 would've probably never happend. She probably wouldn't have that solidified fanbase of popper sniffing fags she has now. A lot of people's lives would be very different cause the butterfly effect, one album drop can change someone's entire life cause the smallest things can have the biggest influences. Her life would be totally different. Thousands of gays' lives would be totally different. My life would be totally different tbh, even though I've been stanning before Pop 2 and I cant pinpoint an exact moment where this mixtape influenced big life changes, me listening to that mixtape probably influenced small little things in my life that lead me to be right here in this moment typing this out. I'm having an existential crisis rn. Imagining a world where XCX World never leaked fucks me up cause that's a world where everything's different. I try to block that thought out of my memory. The XCX effect.

    you good ?

  11. all your problems are far away ... SO FAR AWAY. we need to the silver cross transition into so far away for tour

    i was literally itching for that sample as an easter egg

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