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Posts posted by Ceremonials

  1. Watch this be her only record that doesn't leak

    did tr leak ? i honestly don’t remember but there was only two unheard songs on it so i guess they could have leaked and i wouldn’t have remembered

  2. What is this? Says page can’t be found :0

    grimes x charli xcx techno tune but also wanting to work on a fully pop tune together ( claire seems super super into it )

  3. what's the most mediocre colour of the rainbow? :teehee:

    i mean the cover is mostly grey so idk point is, the joke kinda wore off awhile ago and she just kinda seems to not take shit seriously which is fine and makes sense given the trauma from XCX3

  4. she’s just british lol, like it’s probably why she’s also more inclined to talk about tea and stupid shit than her actual music like just compare her true romance interviews to the interviews to this album, like does she even have synesthesia anymore ??? what’s the color of the album ??

  5. unpopular opinion but christine and sky are the best parts of the singles thus far and it’s making me nervous for the album.


    i think the reason why we want a super long AG intro/outro is because her auto tune feels super out of place on these beats ngl

  6. i’m lowering my expectations for cross you out so i can be pleasantly surprised instead of mildly disappointed like blame it and gone had for me like this collab has been hyped for too many years at this point

  7. this kinda tells an incredible career arc… true romance ignored vs. i love it, fancy, boom clap; sucker out of frustration/retaliation; period post-sucker… leading her to sophie, a.g., and everything since. i would love to see a documentary on it, especially 2015-16 (also a great opportunity to release the exchange tracks, could even bundle them with movie tickets which is very sophie).

    she’s too busy making the nasty cherry reality show for this ughhh

  8. My friend said she heard Spicy at her hairdresser the other day. Is Charli gonna become “The girl who sings Boom Clap, Fancy and that Spice Girls ‘Wannabe’ remake”?

    i mean, is she wrong ?? tbt to her being just the “ i love it “ girl

  9. funny story guys so today i met the guy who signed charli to sony back in 2012 and he said all of his friends at sony told him not to sign her bc she gave away i love it so she’s “not business savvy” but he signed her anyway bc he liked nuclear seasons AND she had the talent to create potential hits

    she signed to asylum/atlantic in 2010 sorry, sony is a completely different label lol


    according to MTV Japan, the next available tracks from the new album will be the songs “Next Level Charli”,

    “Cross You Out (feat. Sky Ferreira)” and “2099 (feat. Troye Sivan)”.


    earlier, Charli said that one of the singles will be the song “White Mercedes”.

    i’m really not into the trend of releasing an entire album before its release, i’ll listen to the next single but will then wait for the album to drop because it’s kinda excessive

  11. vroom vroom was made to be played in a warehouse full of smoke with kids on whippits and e, it doesn’t fit the environment of a festival and the speakers are shit usually

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