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  1. Dazed liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in Lana in Ciudad de Mexico - November 4th   
    here are some photos 






  2. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in Petition for Lana to dye hair light again   
    As a naturally curly girl, that is NOT frizzy. Straight haired people have no clue what curly haired people, especially girls have to deal with. Curly hair is completely different from straight hair and I would kill to have my curls behave like Lana's in that video. Google frizzy hair and inform yourself. Lana's Ride hair is not at all frizzy.
  3. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Video: Lana Del Rey for Nylon Magazine   
    Summertime Sadness the remix would've been better for this lazy ass video x.x
  4. Dazed liked a post in a topic by iseeyouupsidedown in Sky Ferreira   
    I feel that way about I Blame Myself. I haven't heard anyone except for me yet who wouldn't consider it one of the best songs on the album. I think it's somewhere in the middle. It's not THAT good.. It's probably the poppiest song on the album and I like it when Sky does pop but Everything is Embarrassing and Lost In My Bedroom were WAY better. it sounds like an attempt to recreate them that failed, but turned out decent anyway.
  5. Mauri8396 liked a post in a topic by Dazed in Sky Ferreira   
    I can't wait for her album. I want more songs like Ghost and Sad Dream.
  6. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Dazed in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yes, MDM is amazing. I'm surprised I don't see it mentioned a lot. We clearly have better taste
  7. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Philomene in Little things that you love about Lana   
    How she calls herself to be the queen of everything and anything.
  8. HUNTY liked a post in a topic by Dazed in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yes, MDM is amazing. I'm surprised I don't see it mentioned a lot. We clearly have better taste
  9. yayoop liked a post in a topic by Dazed in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Yes, MDM is amazing. I'm surprised I don't see it mentioned a lot. We clearly have better taste
  10. Dazed liked a post in a topic by HUNTY in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    million dollar man is one of my favourite lana songs, perfect for listening when you're taking a bath or sitting on the train/car (idk it might be just me). a lot of ppl seem to dislike it though, can anyone tell me why? i've never actually seen someone back it up with a reason, so i'm just curious.
    also, i think lana deserves better than barrie PLEASE DON'T STONE ME   
  11. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Lana Confessions   
    I used to think she was Hispanic and as a Hispanic myself I was like "YES REPRESENT" until I Googled her and found out she was a white girl from New York.
    I don't think using the headdress in Ride was appropriate or respectful or even accurate. The headdress isn't a symbol of freedom; it's basically a Northern equivalent to a Purple Heart, from what I understand. I really wish she hadn't used it.
    The Million Dollar Man video with the demo is my favorite LDR video.
    The studio version of Body Electric is my favorite song off Paradise.
    I hate the live versions of Body Electric. Her vocals are just cringe-inducing, "emotional" as they may be. The instrumental sounds joyful??? and I like the very dark feeling behind the studio version (the bells in the second verse give me shivers~~~).
    I haven't seen a single live performance of Lana's that I liked, to be honest. I like "Million Dollar Man" on "L'album de la semaine" because it honestly just dips into that "so bad it's good" range, but that's it.
    Ride is incredibly boring. I do not see all the hype and it isn't even the best song on Paradise, let alone her entire discography.
    I think Million Dollar Man and Lolita are criminally underrated. I routinely see these given the worst scores and it makes me so unhappy. MDM has a great jazzy feeling, which is a welcome break from whatever the rest of BTD is, and Lolita has a interesting chord progressions and makes the best use of her artificial little girl voice. Everyone seems to hate these two songs, though.
    The second line of Blue Jeans is painful. "And you made my eyes BURN."

    I think her low voice sounds very forced and unnatural.
    Her voice sounds best on Sirens.
    I wish she'd play guitar live; I don't think I've seen any performances of her with a guitar? (post Born To Die, not her Lizzy Grant/May Jailer/omgwtfbbq days).
    I think Paradise was a huge step down from Born To Die.
    It really bothers me she claims she wrote the song for "The Great Gatsby" when we know she announced the song for Paradise as "Will You Still Love Me When I'm No Longer Young And Beautiful," along with "In The Land Of Gods And Monsters" and "I Sing The Body Electric." I don't mind that it went towards the film at all and I know that they have to say she wrote it for the film to get dem awards, but it still bugs me.
    I wouldn't mind if she were more popular; at least then I'd have people irl to fangirl over her. I have one friend who likes the idea of Lana Del Rey but only knows Video Games and another who only knows Young and Beautiful. The rest saw her SNL performance and think she's a manufactured fake who can't sing live.
    The amount of leaks this fandom gets is astonishing. I thought the Gaga fandom got a bunch of stuff! Please note, my first experience as a fan of any artist was with ABBA, and we have a handful of LQ leaked songs, a few HQ snippets we are never going to get full versions of, and countless titles, some of which we don't even know are for. When you're good to Lana, Lana's good to you.
  12. Dazed liked a post in a topic by songbird in Lana Confessions   
    I miss bitchy-classy-gangsta-lolita Lana. So. Much.
    And the music she used to do.
  13. Dazed liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    Dang. So many Xtina haters! Lol. Jk. Adele is kinda overrated imho.
  14. Dazed liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in Celebrity Mentions Thread   
    Who cares what people think about her? I mean its nice to hear celebs praise her especially Christina since she is the best female singer/vocalist of our generation.... but the only thing that matters is what her fans think of her and that should be enough.
  15. Dazed liked a post in a topic by LanaDelReyFR in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    I add some pics:
  16. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    She knows how to make the ~hipsters~ go crazy w/ smoking on stage + hippie dress + flower band though
  17. Dazed liked a post in a topic by ne8on in Lana Del Rey to perform at Lollapalooza 2013   
    More pictures: 
    She's flawless. 
  18. Dazed liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Will ask her tonight and let you know
  19. Dazed liked a post in a topic in Radio   
    Alright so as far as I can see there is no such thing as song appreciation threads on this board so I decided to create one for one of my favourite Lana songs, Radio!

    Why do I love this song so much? Well...first it's nothing you'll ever hear anywhere else, it's different from anything else I've ever heard. It has that summery feel to it that makes you feel warm eventhough your listening to it when you walk home and it's snowing. It has such a great vibe and such a good message! It's like a huge FUCK YOU to all kind of criticism and judgement.
    My favourite lines:
    "Now my life is sweet like cinnamon"
    "Lick me up and take me like a vitamin"
    If you like this song as well, feel free share your thoughts and reply!
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